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Social Issues and Politics
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[spapad] Monday, September 14, 2009 7:31:31 PM 
Yep, better be ready to prove it "perks" and is sound, and that your well is clean!  Politics to me always just seem very messed up, and I really can not deffend too many points as they are to ambiguous with what they do so much, I just can't get it.  That is why, for the most part, I don't post here too often.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, September 14, 2009 7:23:55 PM)
[guidogodoy] Monday, September 14, 2009 7:23:55 PM 
We just got through a BIG battle here by the Department of Public Works who wanted to do a land snatch on a farm that had been in a family for 100 years. Imminent Domain. Bunch of crap if you ask me. Right to steal someone's land for the good of the public?! They had a massive battle and the city decided to save face and build a bit down the road (who knows HOW much it cost the family to defend themselves.....signs / lawsuits / etc). Absurd. 

I am really just waiting for the day when they declare my side of the street part of the "city proper" and incorporate us. Sooner or later, I'd guess. Best prepare to prove my septic system is up to par, eh?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Monday, September 14, 2009 7:03:20 PM)
[spapad] Monday, September 14, 2009 7:03:20 PM 
Now here is one that gets me! As far as local Gov goes. A few years back a neighborhood got a little more upscale, and the county anounced they were putting waterlines into the area and if you could not prove you well and septic was up to par, you where going to be put on the list to be converted to the new water system. Why? Money grubbing bastards!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, September 14, 2009 6:08:17 PM)
[guidogodoy] Monday, September 14, 2009 6:08:17 PM 
Depends where you live, my friend. My water only comes from my taps because I have drilled a well system (yes, septic, too), I am just outside the city limits meaning lots of dirt roads that get washed out when a dog sweats, I have to pay the same garbageman personally to pick it up same as the city (literally across the street) and I pay a "rural fire tax." to even be able to call a fireman to cross the street to try and put our a fire. They seriously look up to see if you've paid your tax before coming to (hopefully) save your life. They do NOT have a good history of saving actual houses around here.

I still pay city and county taxes on top of this, mind you. We have one hospital but you really only go there if you are at death's door and they typically medivac you out to Memphis at YOUR or not...doesn't cover. That is yet another tax.

Don't even get me started on the potholes / roadwork around here IN the city. Like I said, all depends on where you live...
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Where AmI from Monday, September 14, 2009 5:59:26 PM)
[.] Monday, September 14, 2009 5:59:26 PM 
At local level they seem to be doing a good job, and there is more transparency. Water still comes from the taps, roads are still fixed, and taxes are still collected.
But I don't think there will be any significant change regarding health care.
[Head banger] Monday, September 14, 2009 9:43:59 AM 
just imagine if elected officials anywhere just actualy managed to get shit done?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Monday, September 14, 2009 8:48:53 AM)
[Bev] Monday, September 14, 2009 8:48:53 AM 
HB, If by work you mean there is a slight chance they'll vote to put it to a vote after mid-term elections in November - lol  It's still very frustrating.  Admittedly, healthcare is a good stumping issue, and if handled correctly will light enough fires to get constituents on the phone; or better yet, use the very text we (here in the US) blog with, copy and paste and put in an email to representatives.  One letter can be copied any number of times ...

After back reading several more times this morning though my response is gonna take a little longer.  Having grown up an Army brat, I was covered 'til 23 (coverage has changed significantly for dependents since then).  Working for two large global corporations well into  my thirties, I also had the luxury of splitting the cost of benefits with my employers at an extremely generous rate (mid-eighties - late-nineties).  Now have no coverage and fall well in the middle category WAI mentioned to much to receive govt assistance, too little to afford private ...

I do remember in between jobs in the nineties there being enacted HIPPA / COBRA for those with coverage and per-existing conditions.  I want to research those again to see if there is a loophole that might help 'Freeze before I comment on that; although, I'm sure having the fire and determination he has, I'm sure he's left no stone unturned in this regard.  I hope you don't mind my looking again, though : )

'til later ... 

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Monday, September 14, 2009 7:30:42 AM)
Edited at: Monday, September 14, 2009 8:52:50 AM
[Head banger] Monday, September 14, 2009 7:30:42 AM 
well, at least there is a slight chance your government will acomplish something.  ours is doomed to yammering on, untill one party forces an election which sounds like it is coming soon.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Bev from Monday, September 14, 2009 6:21:53 AM)
[Bev] Monday, September 14, 2009 6:21:53 AM 
Oh my! A discussion about yammering politicians and healthcare reform.  Two topics I can't pass up - lol 'Will have to wait 'til I return from dropping the youngling off at practice.
To tempt your mind though:  I think this yammering has been going on while the US congress has been in recess for the Summer. So I don't believe much could have been done until they return, which I believe will be today.

K, back later y'all : )
[spapad] Sunday, September 13, 2009 4:03:25 PM 
Agreed Becks!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, September 13, 2009 4:01:06 PM)
[spapad] Sunday, September 13, 2009 4:01:42 PM 
DF, Guids, looks like you summed up the quagmire pretty well. LOL
[Becks] Sunday, September 13, 2009 4:01:06 PM 
I have read that in many places Freeze - Obama needs to get the balls to just do something about it. Thanks for your comments, that makes a lot of sense to me, and I agree, the fact that the US can spend shit loads invading countries etc, but it's own citizens don't get healthcare as a right, is absolutely ridiculous. I am also sorry to hear that the Princess isn't well and no one will help you guys out health care wise
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:06:50 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:54:15 AM 
Thanks, Ron!! I liked it too....HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by ron h from Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:39:37 AM)
[ron h] Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:39:37 AM 
Well said!! 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:06:50 AM)
[Deep Freeze] Sunday, September 13, 2009 8:06:50 AM 
Holy CRAP!!! Guido..? In the SOCIAL Thread?!??!?!?!?!? HA!!!!!!!!!!!! I have seen it all now!  GREAT comments from all, I must say. Now for MINE!!!;

Most of you here know my situation and the series of events that led me to where I am today. The "system" is a nightmare for those that really need least from my experience. Now then, I say this only because I went through a HORRIBLE experience, emerged on the other side and now have to watch as a loved one is beaten down. You see, I have reached the point where there is nothing more for me to worry about. But, the Princess is gravely ill and NO insurance company will take her. Not at ANY price. She requires monthy medications and phlebotomies once every three months or so and NO ONE will help us. No one.

We live in the greatest, richest most powerful country on earth and yet our citizens do not have health care as a RIGHT???? I find that deplorable. As far as paying for it, do any of you know the exact number of "pet" projects and "pork" that are funded every year?? And that is only the start. Waste in government is well documented. We can blow up other people very well and with great precision but we cannot care for our own citizens?? Deplorable.

I do not have all the answers, nor do I feel it is my job to have them. Guido is right, it IS a mess. Of course, Where is right, too! It does work for some of us and I am one of those So what have we got to lose? It is already fu$#@& up!!    I HAVE health care and I can see a doctor ANYTIME. But it is not me that I worry about. I believe SOMETHNG needs to be done and it is up to the politicans to do it because NO ONE ELSE WILL!  The Republicans (my party) want to fight it, the Democrats want to debate it, the insurance industry wants to kill it and the religious folks want to pray about it....I want to see action. If Obama has a plan and wants to try it, I say GO FOR IT. All I ask it that he DO something and stop yammering on and on about it while good, legitimate Americans get sicker and sicker.
[.] Sunday, September 13, 2009 2:04:14 AM 
Not at all, Guido. Why rip apart perfectly valid statements and concerns?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:21:30 AM)
[.] Sunday, September 13, 2009 2:01:38 AM 
I agree with what you say except that last part where you said about the government botching the system. Having been born and raised in a public health care system, and having experienced more than one country's public healthcare system, I have to say I disagree, since I was taken care of just fine and having contributed to both didn't break my piggybank. This current system here in the US kills any chance at people saving some money and having equal treatment at point-of-care.  If you make no money, you can use Medicaid and Medicare. If you are wealthy enough to be able to pay $1000 each month, plus any extras, then it's ok. Those in between are bummed because they make too much to qualify for assistance but too little to afford the private.

It leaves the majority of the country's population - the one that is a contributor in taxes and the true generator of wealth, very unprotected. To depend on charity is like depending on winning at the blackjack table every day for your income.

Medicare, Medicaid and Veteran and Military Health Care are government-run systems and they work fine. The issue of funding has more to do with politicking than with the costs associated with the system itself. A government is always in a better position to negotiate lower rates of care and lower medication prices than a small or a mid-size company.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:36:54 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:21:30 AM 
No problem. Now I'll let the others rip these statements apart and go back to my happiness in the "Listening to now" thread, etc.!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Becks from Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:06:59 AM)
[Becks] Sunday, September 13, 2009 12:06:59 AM 
Thanks for the input Guido, it's very interesting to read it's sad to hear about how few people can really afford what they need health care wise. Pharmaceutical company wise, the only advertisments we ever see are for Cialis or Viagra, and the occasional pain medication. It's very very rare to see any advertisements on the television or in magazines for medicines. It sounds like due to the large scale of advertising by the companies there, the taxes that should go towards better health care etc are going to these companies to flout their wares so to speak. That's sad. I know what you mean by top heavy goverment when it comes to healthcare - we have what are called District Health boards, and there is a ridiculous number of them for such a small country. They are too top heavy, too many people trying to run everything and things get stuffed up. Example, the childrens oncology department at Wellington Hospital (our capital city) has had to close (temporarily) due to their speicialists leaving as the DHB has no idea about retaining them or running the department (and other departments truth be told) - they are too concerned with their pay packets and other things that Joe Public really doesn't care about in the scheme of things. That's the worse case thing here at the moment.
Again, thanks for the input! Very interesting to read
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:36:54 PM)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:36:54 PM 
Well, I honestly don't think (nay, I KNOW) that the average American has no idea what TRUE communism actuactually means, I really think that it has very little to do with the argument. Those days are long past. More like what you said at the beginning. We pay a small fortune in taxes as it is with very little return. Can / should we learn from other countries? I have never met a person on the streets to say "no." They are more worried in that we can afford / take better care of our pets than we can ourselves. Get hurt? It usually turns out in a fight between you and your insurance company as to whether this or that procedure was actually needed. Malpractice lawsuits has a big role in this as does advertising for this and that drug. After all, the pharmaceutical corporations have HUGE political power here in the States. Don't know about there but here there are certain times of the day when every other commercial on TV is from another drug company. THAT is sad and only adds to the cost. Even sadder is that most go with generic equivalents anyway as they are cheaper for those WITH insurance. Co-pay is less. See a Dr. here and you best know what you have before you walk into their office as they will only spend about five minutes with you. Many states are suffering a major Dr. shortage as they are not protected from lawsuits. Now imagine yourself a Dr. and have to get paid from the government once you complete a service. Again, everything done by the government pretty much ends up as a complete mess as we are too top-heavy.

So, no, Not fear of communism. More the fear of ever-rising taxes, healthcare costs and co-pays. If you notice, my comments don't even breach the "system" trying to cover the countless illegals living here tax free. Hey, my little brother is living in Canada "under the radar" to avoid many of these problems.
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