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What are youo listening rigt now?
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About music we are listening at this particulary time

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[Bev] Monday, August 31, 2009 7:06:01 AM 
[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:43:39 PM 
Impending Doom - Apocalypse III: The Manifested Purgatorium  CD
[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:19:20 PM 
Bloodshed - Skullcrusher E.P.
[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:58:13 PM 
The Meads Of Asphodel - Falling Without Wings
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Sunday, August 30, 2009 11:02:49 AM 
Die for Metal/Manowar

Luv that song/video/Band...

[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 9:34:58 AM 
My Dying Bride - Turn Loose The Swans   CD
[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:31:04 AM 
Few drinks, Alestorm = heaven (btw - they used to be called 'BattleHeart')  :)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Sunday, August 30, 2009 8:09:32 AM 
Heavy Metal Pirates/Alestorm...Enjoy..
Am off awhile..c u later..

[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 7:56:09 AM 
Well - i did start with Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales  CD - but i needed heavier/ it's - 

Venom - Black Metal  CD (remaster/expanded of course)
[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 6:59:06 AM 
sHEAVY - Blue Sky Mind  CD  (Band are an absolute MUST for all Sabbath fans...IMO)
[joedraper] Sunday, August 30, 2009 6:33:10 AM 
My inner voice telling me to get my butt off this computer and start studying lol.
[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 6:21:40 AM 
Cathedral - Hopkins (The Witchfinder General)  E.P.
[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:28:40 AM 
Luca Turilli's DreamQuest - Lost Horizons  CD
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:21:18 AM 
In this Life/JetBlackstare
Cool band..(about a soldier ....)
[Bev] Sunday, August 30, 2009 5:13:47 AM 
[Necroticist] Sunday, August 30, 2009 4:48:58 AM 
Moonspell - Night Eternal  CD
[guidogodoy] Sunday, August 30, 2009 1:24:34 AM 
[Necroticist] Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:11:31 PM 
Anvil - Metal On Metal  CD
[Necroticist] Saturday, August 29, 2009 2:26:17 PM 
Anaal Nathrakh - In The Constellation Of The Black Widow   CD
[Necroticist] Saturday, August 29, 2009 11:07:09 AM 
Dark Moor - The Fall Of Melnibone  E.P.   (VERY under-rated band)
[Necroticist] Saturday, August 29, 2009 9:54:36 AM 
Agent Steel - Mad Locust Rising
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:54:54 AM 
Youre right  J.D..its noted... Priest..bside theyre our Metal Gods...

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, August 28, 2009 3:50:26 PM)
[CountessErzebethBathory9] Saturday, August 29, 2009 5:37:19 AM 
Queen /Love of my Life...Journey/Open Arms and DC/Love aint no Stranger...Enjoy...
Am nostalgic this morning....



[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:26:49 AM 
Between the Hammer and the Anvil-Judas Priest

With this mix CD in tow, I wander off into the night. Gute nacht, Freunden und Freundinen.
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:20:04 AM 
The Sentinel-Judas Priest
[Phantom A6] Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:19:50 AM 
Ya, it is!! Was in busy in the background to fixed some graphic files
(contructions and designs).
There was a problem to converted the lyrics for this page (comin' from a word document). So all the russian writings are lost - that sucks.
Try it later again 'Cause the last verse is wrong.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, August 28, 2009 10:03:20 PM)
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:13:56 AM 
Listening to one of my Judas Priest mix CDs.

First up: Electric Eye!!!
[spapad] Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:09:07 AM 
[Vaillant 3.0] Saturday, August 29, 2009 12:05:53 AM 
Saints in Hell-Judas Priest
[spapad] Friday, August 28, 2009 10:03:20 PM 

WOW! That's a hell of a song!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Friday, August 28, 2009 9:51:08 PM)
[Phantom A6] Friday, August 28, 2009 9:51:08 PM 

Rammstein - "Moskau"

Ýòî ïåñíÿ î ñàìîì êðàñèâîì (Dieses Lied handelt über
ãîðîäå â ìèðå. Ìîñêâà! (die schönste Stadt der Welt. Moskau!)
Diese Stadt ist eine Dirne,
hat rote Flecken auf der Stirn.
Ihre Zähne sind aus Gold,
sie ist fett und doch so hold.
Ihr Mund fällt mir zu Tale,
wenn ich sie dafür bezahle.
Sie zieht sich aus, doch nur für Geld,
die Stadt die mich in Atem hält
Ðàç, äâà, òðè! (Eins, zwei, drei!)
Ïîñìîòðè! (Schau!)
Ïèîíåðû òàì èäóò, (Pioniere gehen dort umher,)
ïåñíè Ëåíèíó ïîþò. (singen Lieder von Lenin.)
Sie ist alt und trotzdem schön,
ich kann ihr nicht widerstehen.
íå ìîãó óñòîÿòü. (kann ihr nicht widerstehen.)
Pudert sich die alte Haut,
hat sich die Brüste neu gebaut.
ïîñòðîèëà âíîâü. (Brüste neu gebaut.)
Sie macht mich geil, ich leide Qualen,
sie tanzt für mich, ich muß bezahlen.
ÿ äîëæåí ïëàòèòü. (ich muß bezahlen.)
Sie schläft mit mir, doch nur für Geld,
ist doch die schönste Stadt der Welt.
Ðàç, äâà, òðè! (Eins, zwei, drei!)
Ïîñìîòðè! (Schau!)
Ïèîíåðû òàì èäóò, (Pioniere gehen dort umher,)
ïåñíè Ëåíèíó ïîþò. (singen Lieder von Lenin.)
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst,
êîãäà òû íî÷üþ êðåïêî ñïèøü. (wenn du deine Augen schließt.)
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst,
êîãäà òû ïðåäî ìíîé ëåæèøü. (wenn du vor mir niederkniest.)
Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst,
êîãäà ñî ìíîþ ãîâîðèøü. (wenn du mich mit dem Mund berührst.)
Ich sehe was, das siehst du nie.
Ðàç, äâà, òðè! (Eins, zwei, drei!)
Ðàç, äâà, òðè! (Eins, zwei, drei!)
Ïîñìîòðè! (Schau!)
Ïèîíåðû òàì èäóò, (Pioniere gehen dort umher,)
ïåñíè Ëåíèíó ïîþò. (singen Lieder von Lenin.)
Ýòîïåñíÿîñàìîìêðàñèâîì (This song is about the most beautiful)
ãîðîäåâìèðå. Ìîñêâà! (city in the world. Moscow!)
This city is a prostitute,
she has red spots on her foreheads
Her teeth are made of gold,
she's fat and yet so lovely.
Her mouth falls to my valley,
when I pay her for it.
She takes off her clothes, but only for money,
the city that keeps me in suspense.
Ðàç, äâà, òðè! (One, two, three!)
Ïîñìîòðè! (Look!)
Ïèîíåðûòàìèäóò, (Pioneers are walking around there,)
ïåñíèËåíèíóïîþò. (singing songs to Lenin.)
She is old and nevertheless beautiful,
I can't resist her.
íåìîãóóñòîÿòü. (I can't resist)
She powders her old skin
and has gotten her breasts rebuilt
ïîñòðîèëàâíîâü. (breast rebuilt)
She makes me horny, I suffer torment
She dances for me, I have to pay.
ÿäîëæåíïëàòèòü. (I have to pay.)
She sleeps with me, but only for money,
It's still the most beautiful city in the world
Ðàç, äâà, òðè! (One, two, three!)
Ïîñìîòðè! (Look!)
Ïèîíåðûòàìèäóò, (Pioneers are walking around there,)
ïåñíèËåíèíóïîþò. (singing songs to Lenin.)
I see something, that you don't see
(When you close your eyes) [2]
When you sleep deeply in the night
I see something, that you don't see
(When you kneel before me)
When you lie before me
I see something, that you don't see
(When you touch me with your mouth)
When you talk to me
I see something, that you'll never see
One, two, three!
Ðàç, äâà, òðè! (One, two, three!)
Ïîñìîòðè! (Look!)
Ïèîíåðûòàìèäóò, (Pioneers are walking around there,)
ïåñíèËåíèíóïîþò. (singing songs to Lenin.)


Edited at: Friday, August 28, 2009 9:53:22 PM
[MattPriestFan] Friday, August 28, 2009 8:22:32 PM

Behemoth- Ov Fire And The Void
[spapad] Friday, August 28, 2009 7:46:03 PM 
Intresting, it sounds like a cool song. 
I'm sure lyrically it sounds so much better in the language it was written than the translation, as is always the case.
I was once listening to a song in greek and not up to the minute diferences in the language. The woman kept singing about stafila, which is grapes, but actually she was running the words together and it meant "the kiss" sta fila. I just listened and asked my then husband, why is she singing about grapes and why does she seem so unhappy about them?! LOL

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Friday, August 28, 2009 7:34:55 PM)
[Phantom A6] Friday, August 28, 2009 7:34:55 PM 

Here's the chorus

When comes the flood over me?
When comes the flood to touch me?
When comes the flood to carry me away
in another, big life anywhere?

Hope it's correct. I don't want to blame me.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, August 28, 2009 7:20:10 PM)
[Phantom A6] Friday, August 28, 2009 7:30:36 PM 
Thanx Susan.
In english the song called "The flood".
They're waiting for a "flood" to bring them in another world,
to a new place to dwell n for a better living in it, but there's no other world to travel to.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, August 28, 2009 7:20:10 PM)
[spapad] Friday, August 28, 2009 7:20:10 PM 
Good to see you Michael!! I noticed the video you picked had no embedding but this band did and it is the same song, maybe not as good, but by visual you understand much.
Glad to see you! Know your very busy these days! Good to see you made it to the boards!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Friday, August 28, 2009 7:07:10 PM)
[Phantom A6] Friday, August 28, 2009 7:07:10 PM 

Hi sweetie!!

YouTube didn't show me the enbedding information for the song!!
Fricken German YouTube!!
I love this song. I try to tranlated the lyrics, but I need time therefor
'Cause it's very lyrical n it's easier for me to translate English in German.

How are ya today?? I'm ok - better than yesterday.
Thanx for your great support. You're a real friend.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Friday, August 28, 2009 6:39:28 PM)

Edited at: Friday, August 28, 2009 7:07:59 PM
[spapad] Friday, August 28, 2009 6:39:28 PM 
Hello Michael!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Phantom A6 from Friday, August 28, 2009 6:32:57 PM)
[Phantom A6] Friday, August 28, 2009 6:32:57 PM 

Witt & Heppner - "Die Flut"

Die Flut

Wenn ich in mir keine Ruhe fühl',
Bitterkeit mein dunkles Herz umspült,
ich warte auf den nächsten Tag
der mir erwacht.
Wenn Finsternis den klaren Blick verhüllt,
kein Sinn mehr eine Sehnsucht stillt,
ruf' ich mir herbei
den einen Traum
der sich niemals erfüllt.

Und du rufst in die Nacht
und du flehst um Wundermacht.
Um 'ne bessere Welt zum Leben,
doch es wird keine andere geben.

Wann kommt die Flut über mich?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich berührt?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich hinfort trägt
in ein and'res, großes Leben irgendwo?

All' die Zeit so schnell vorüberzieht,
jede Spur von mir wie Staub zerfliegt,
endlos weit getrieben
von unsichtbarer Hand.
Gibt es dort am kalten Firmament
nicht auch den Stern der nur für mich verbrennt?
Ein dumpfes Leuchten
wie ein Feuer in der Nacht
das nie vergeht.

Und Du siehst zum Himmel auf,
fluchst auf den sturen Zeitenlauf.
Machst Dir 'ne Welt aus Trug und Schein,
doch es wird keine and're sein.

Wann kommt die Flut über mich?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich berührt?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich hinfort trägt
in ein and'res, großes Leben irgendwo?

Wann kommt die Flut über mich?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich berührt?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich hinfort trägt
in ein and'res, großes Leben irgendwo?

Und Du rufst in die Welt
das sie dir nicht mehr gefällt.
Du willst 'ne schönere erleben,
doch es wird keine and're geben.

Wann kommt die Flut über mich?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich berührt?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich hinfort trägt
in ein and'res, großes Leben irgendwo?

Wann kommt die Flut über mich?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich berührt?
Wann kommt die Flut die mich hinfort trägt
in ein and'res, großes Leben irgendwo?

Wann kommt die Flut? Wann kommt die Flut?
Wann kommt die Flut? Wann kommt die Flut?
Wann kommt die Flut? Wann kommt die Flut?
Wann kommt die Flut in ein and'res, großes Leben irgendwo?
Wann kommt die Flut?
Die Flut?
Wann kommt die Flut?
Die Flut?
Wann kommt die Flut?
Die Flut?
Wann kommt die Flut?
Die Flut?

[Necroticist] Friday, August 28, 2009 6:19:24 PM 
Is Damn fine mate - just u wait!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Friday, August 28, 2009 5:11:20 PM)
[Painkiller87] Friday, August 28, 2009 5:14:24 PM 

Opeth - Burden

[Painkiller87] Friday, August 28, 2009 5:11:20 PM 

Sonata Arctica - Paid in Full

Hey Necroticist! May I ask how  the new material is by them btw? Is it good? Because I can't wait for the album to be released!

Edited at: Friday, August 28, 2009 5:11:48 PM
[blackshadow] Friday, August 28, 2009 4:31:21 PM 
Crash! Boom! Bang! - Roxette

Got to love radio LOL!!
[Necroticist] Friday, August 28, 2009 4:04:00 PM 
Sonata Arctica - The Days Of Grays (also advance copy)  CD
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, August 28, 2009 3:50:26 PM 
Lady Bathory wrote:.....Here J.D..just for you..ur fav band..
Hey thanks again Lady Bathory...and I really appreciate it...but I must make a small correction here..

JUDAS PRIEST has always,is and forever will be "MY FOVORITE BAND"!!!!  Saxon is #2. !!!  But thank you!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by LadyBathory9 from Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:26:57 PM)
[Necroticist] Friday, August 28, 2009 2:24:27 PM 
Immortal - All Shall Fall  (advance copy)  CD   is afookingmazing!!!
[Painkiller87] Friday, August 28, 2009 12:10:55 PM 
Heaven Shall Burn - Voice of the Voiceless
Love this song!
[funkster] Friday, August 28, 2009 11:55:31 AM 
Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden.After that think i'll watch Iron Maiden 666 DVD.
[Necroticist] Friday, August 28, 2009 11:18:41 AM 
Celtic Frost - Morbid Tales  CD
[Necroticist] Friday, August 28, 2009 9:09:54 AM 
Scads more - most u won't have......;)
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