[hellrider 31038] Saturday, December 05, 2009 11:45:02 AM
FUC?EN CRANK IT UP Edited at: Saturday, December 05, 2009 11:46:12 AM
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, December 02, 2009 12:47:42 AM
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, November 28, 2009 12:56:25 PM
the heeeellllllrrrrrriiiiiidddddeeeeerrrrr seconds that skyrider.hell yeah [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by SkyRideR from Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:02:32 PM)
SkyRideR wrote:
those simple words speak volumes...
can't wait for halfords new studio album!!!
[SkyRideR] Saturday, November 21, 2009 1:02:32 PM
those simple words speak volumes...
can't wait for halfords new studio album!!!
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, November 04, 2009 5:13:49 PM
HELL YEAH SKYRIDER.hell yeah man.cant wait to recieve it.
pick it up
put it on
ram it down my ears man. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by SkyRideR from Wednesday, November 04, 2009 3:09:13 PM)
SkyRideR wrote:
'WINTER SONGS" kicks ass!!!
new video from rob also kicks ass!!!
[SkyRideR] Wednesday, November 04, 2009 3:09:13 PM
'WINTER SONGS" kicks ass!!!
new video from rob also kicks ass!!!
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, October 28, 2009 4:50:15 PM
[yosafatweishaupt] Tuesday, October 27, 2009 5:19:54 AM
is the best, is the god, and the devil, is the night and day, is great!!!!!!!!!!!!
[SkyRideR] Monday, October 26, 2009 6:38:23 PM
this man is a saint...
or sinner...
[spapad] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 8:46:04 PM
BRAVO! Hellrider!! Yes it is! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:02:41 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
spapad wrote:
Wow, beautiful picture!
The mighty Metal God SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAM!! His performance always gives me goosebumps - he is just AMAZING!!
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:14:22 PM
HELL YEAH .AWESOME [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:10:20 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
The mighty Metal God SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAM!! His performance always gives me goosebumps - he is just AMAZING!!
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:10:20 PM
YES HELLRIDER! I can feel the RUUUUUUUUUSSHH!!! JUDAS PRIEST STYLE HEEEEAAAAAVVVYY MEEEEEEETTTTAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL! OH YEAH, NOTHING LIKE IT ON THIS EARTH! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Wednesday, October 07, 2009 6:55:15 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
The mighty Metal God SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAM!! His performance always gives me goosebumps - he is just AMAZING!!
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:02:41 PM
yeah it is hey spapad.the MIGHTY PRIEST IN ACTION SCREAMING HEAVY MEEETTTT TTTTAAAALLLLLLL..HELL YEAH. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by spapad from Wednesday, October 07, 2009 6:57:53 PM)
spapad wrote:
Wow, beautiful picture!
The mighty Metal God SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAM!! His performance always gives me goosebumps - he is just AMAZING!!
[spapad] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 6:57:53 PM
Wow, beautiful picture! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Wednesday, October 07, 2009 4:37:37 PM)
The mighty Metal God SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAM!! His performance always gives me goosebumps - he is just AMAZING!!
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 6:55:15 PM
The mighty Metal God SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAM!! His performance always gives me goosebumps - he is just AMAZING!!
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 4:37:37 PM
The mighty Metal God SCREEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAM!! His performance always gives me goosebumps - he is just AMAZING!!
[Priest_Fan78] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 11:40:52 AM
Awesome photo! He's so cool
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 4:13:12 AM
LOL!!! Look at this picture of Rob!!!! lol! This photo says it all to the neah sayers of heavy metal!!!!
[The Voice] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 1:10:15 AM
[hellrider 31038] Wednesday, October 07, 2009 12:08:05 AM
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man todays bands have to stand up and fight for heavy metal!! There are 2 paths to go on....the heavy metal path or the money trail path....its totally up to the individual.
The ones who take the money path will NOT be defending or helping heavy metal in any way. Either its stand your ground and fight for heavy metal or sell out to the big man's money and "pretend"
your heavy metal...ect....bands like Godsmack and Disturbed are "new age" and to me they are not heavy metal in any way.....I'm not bashing Godsmack or Disturbed so if anyone is offended that was
not my intentions...but just trying to make clear what is "traditional heavy metal" and what is not...and Godsmack/Disturbed are not heavy metal...they are "commercial radio friendly hard rock" and good
for them I'm not saying its bad,but they would not fit in a tour with say Judas Priest,Iron Maiden and Saxon.......but to the big corporate labels and producers of todays day and age them Godsmack
and Disturbed "are" heavy metal...but we all know that they really are not. Same as in the 80's when the media called Motley Crue and Poison "heavy metal bands" when we all knew that they were not.
This is the same thing here...just different times thats all. But going back to the overall subject Hellrider...yes...heavy metal MUST remain about black cloths,denim & leather,black boots,black gloves,black
shades,studs,spikes,bullet belts,band patches on denim jackets,chains,skulls, metal aesthetics and total 100% heavy metal sound and spirit....heavy metal deserves to be "PURE".
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:24:11 PM
HELL YEAH COOOMMMMMAAAANNNNDDDDEEEERRRR AWESOME SHOT MAN [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:21:11 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL!!! Look at this picture of Rob!!!! lol! This photo says it all to the neah sayers of heavy metal!!!!
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:21:11 PM
LOL!!! Look at this picture of Rob!!!! lol! This photo says it all to the neah sayers of heavy metal!!!!
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:32:14 PM
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man todays bands have to stand up and fight for heavy metal!! There are 2 paths to go on....the heavy metal path or the money trail path....its totally up to the individual.
The ones who take the money path will NOT be defending or helping heavy metal in any way. Either its stand your ground and fight for heavy metal or sell out to the big man's money and "pretend"
your heavy metal...ect....bands like Godsmack and Disturbed are "new age" and to me they are not heavy metal in any way.....I'm not bashing Godsmack or Disturbed so if anyone is offended that was
not my intentions...but just trying to make clear what is "traditional heavy metal" and what is not...and Godsmack/Disturbed are not heavy metal...they are "commercial radio friendly hard rock" and good
for them I'm not saying its bad,but they would not fit in a tour with say Judas Priest,Iron Maiden and Saxon.......but to the big corporate labels and producers of todays day and age them Godsmack
and Disturbed "are" heavy metal...but we all know that they really are not. Same as in the 80's when the media called Motley Crue and Poison "heavy metal bands" when we all knew that they were not.
This is the same thing here...just different times thats all. But going back to the overall subject Hellrider...yes...heavy metal MUST remain about black cloths,denim & leather,black boots,black gloves,black
shades,studs,spikes,bullet belts,band patches on denim jackets,chains,skulls, metal aesthetics and total 100% heavy metal sound and spirit....heavy metal deserves to be "PURE".
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
Edited at: Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:33:16 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, September 26, 2009 6:13:39 PM
LOL Guido!!!!! Yeah ya got me there,he should be able to do what he wants with his own sack!!! lol! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:58:38 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
ps. A man should be able to do whatever he wants with his sack! BWWWWAAAHAAAHAAAAA!!!!!
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! No reason for it Guido..(lol!)...same reason why Phantom posts in blue,spapad posts in italics....I see it has troubled you though....hummmmm(lol!!!)
Don't know why this jumped into my head...but my friend Brian from work everytime I get him some weed that is very dry..I try and be very careful not to smash
it or crumble it...and when I give it to him...he takes his fist and smashes the whole bag up and laughs at me saying "Its my sack and I'll do what I want with it"
and says "does it bother you"? LOL!! And yeah it does bother he takes his fist and crumbles the weed on the table!!! ARRRGHH that kills me lol!!!!
(Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:35:56 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Ok, off topic but I just have to ask...what the HELL are you typing on, J.D.? Why the space between every two lines even when there shouldn't be one?
Nerd in me has always been dying to ask.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man todays bands have to stand up and fight for heavy metal!! There are 2 paths to go on....the heavy metal path or the money trail path....its totally up to the individual.
The ones who take the money path will NOT be defending or helping heavy metal in any way. Either its stand your ground and fight for heavy metal or sell out to the big man's money and "pretend"
your heavy metal...ect....bands like Godsmack and Disturbed are "new age" and to me they are not heavy metal in any way.....I'm not bashing Godsmack or Disturbed so if anyone is offended that was
not my intentions...but just trying to make clear what is "traditional heavy metal" and what is not...and Godsmack/Disturbed are not heavy metal...they are "commercial radio friendly hard rock" and good
for them I'm not saying its bad,but they would not fit in a tour with say Judas Priest,Iron Maiden and Saxon.......but to the big corporate labels and producers of todays day and age them Godsmack
and Disturbed "are" heavy metal...but we all know that they really are not. Same as in the 80's when the media called Motley Crue and Poison "heavy metal bands" when we all knew that they were not.
This is the same thing here...just different times thats all. But going back to the overall subject Hellrider...yes...heavy metal MUST remain about black cloths,denim & leather,black boots,black gloves,black
shades,studs,spikes,bullet belts,band patches on denim jackets,chains,skulls, metal aesthetics and total 100% heavy metal sound and spirit....heavy metal deserves to be "PURE".
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:25:30 PM
[guidogodoy] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:58:38 PM
ps. A man should be able to do whatever he wants with his sack! BWWWWAAAHAAAHAAAAA!!!!! [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:02:56 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
lol! No reason for it Guido..(lol!)...same reason why Phantom posts in blue,spapad posts in italics....I see it has troubled you though....hummmmm(lol!!!)
Don't know why this jumped into my head...but my friend Brian from work everytime I get him some weed that is very dry..I try and be very careful not to smash
it or crumble it...and when I give it to him...he takes his fist and smashes the whole bag up and laughs at me saying "Its my sack and I'll do what I want with it"
and says "does it bother you"? LOL!! And yeah it does bother he takes his fist and crumbles the weed on the table!!! ARRRGHH that kills me lol!!!!
(Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:35:56 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Ok, off topic but I just have to ask...what the HELL are you typing on, J.D.? Why the space between every two lines even when there shouldn't be one?
Nerd in me has always been dying to ask.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man todays bands have to stand up and fight for heavy metal!! There are 2 paths to go on....the heavy metal path or the money trail path....its totally up to the individual.
The ones who take the money path will NOT be defending or helping heavy metal in any way. Either its stand your ground and fight for heavy metal or sell out to the big man's money and "pretend"
your heavy metal...ect....bands like Godsmack and Disturbed are "new age" and to me they are not heavy metal in any way.....I'm not bashing Godsmack or Disturbed so if anyone is offended that was
not my intentions...but just trying to make clear what is "traditional heavy metal" and what is not...and Godsmack/Disturbed are not heavy metal...they are "commercial radio friendly hard rock" and good
for them I'm not saying its bad,but they would not fit in a tour with say Judas Priest,Iron Maiden and Saxon.......but to the big corporate labels and producers of todays day and age them Godsmack
and Disturbed "are" heavy metal...but we all know that they really are not. Same as in the 80's when the media called Motley Crue and Poison "heavy metal bands" when we all knew that they were not.
This is the same thing here...just different times thats all. But going back to the overall subject Hellrider...yes...heavy metal MUST remain about black cloths,denim & leather,black boots,black gloves,black
shades,studs,spikes,bullet belts,band patches on denim jackets,chains,skulls, metal aesthetics and total 100% heavy metal sound and spirit....heavy metal deserves to be "PURE".
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:25:30 PM
[Phantom A6] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:50:01 PM
Yep, luv my blue hue!! Wassup folkes??
[guidogodoy] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:35:20 PM
HAAAA! So you are a
two sentence per line kinda guy and nothing more then,
No wait, that isn't right
either as you break mid-sentence quite often.
Ok, just the tech nerd in me making sure
that it wasn't a text from a blackberry or
something. I am now at peace and will be able
lol! No reason for it Guido..(lol!)...same reason why Phantom posts in blue,spapad posts in italics....I see it has troubled you though....hummmmm(lol!!!)
Don't know why this jumped into my head...but my friend Brian from work everytime I get him some weed that is very dry..I try and be very careful not to smash
it or crumble it...and when I give it to him...he takes his fist and smashes the whole bag up and laughs at me saying "Its my sack and I'll do what I want with it"
and says "does it bother you"? LOL!! And yeah it does bother he takes his fist and crumbles the weed on the table!!! ARRRGHH that kills me lol!!!!
(Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:35:56 PM)
guidogodoy wrote:
Ok, off topic but I just have to ask...what the HELL are you typing on, J.D.? Why the space between every two lines even when there shouldn't be one?
Nerd in me has always been dying to ask.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man todays bands have to stand up and fight for heavy metal!! There are 2 paths to go on....the heavy metal path or the money trail path....its totally up to the individual.
The ones who take the money path will NOT be defending or helping heavy metal in any way. Either its stand your ground and fight for heavy metal or sell out to the big man's money and "pretend"
your heavy metal...ect....bands like Godsmack and Disturbed are "new age" and to me they are not heavy metal in any way.....I'm not bashing Godsmack or Disturbed so if anyone is offended that was
not my intentions...but just trying to make clear what is "traditional heavy metal" and what is not...and Godsmack/Disturbed are not heavy metal...they are "commercial radio friendly hard rock" and good
for them I'm not saying its bad,but they would not fit in a tour with say Judas Priest,Iron Maiden and Saxon.......but to the big corporate labels and producers of todays day and age them Godsmack
and Disturbed "are" heavy metal...but we all know that they really are not. Same as in the 80's when the media called Motley Crue and Poison "heavy metal bands" when we all knew that they were not.
This is the same thing here...just different times thats all. But going back to the overall subject Hellrider...yes...heavy metal MUST remain about black cloths,denim & leather,black boots,black gloves,black
shades,studs,spikes,bullet belts,band patches on denim jackets,chains,skulls, metal aesthetics and total 100% heavy metal sound and spirit....heavy metal deserves to be "PURE".
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:25:30 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:02:56 PM
lol! No reason for it Guido..(lol!)...same reason why Phantom posts in blue,spapad posts in italics....I see it has troubled you though....hummmmm(lol!!!)
Don't know why this jumped into my head...but my friend Brian from work everytime I get him some weed that is very dry..I try and be very careful not to smash
it or crumble it...and when I give it to him...he takes his fist and smashes the whole bag up and laughs at me saying "Its my sack and I'll do what I want with it"
and says "does it bother you"? LOL!! And yeah it does bother he takes his fist and crumbles the weed on the table!!! ARRRGHH that kills me lol!!!!
Ok, off topic but I just have to ask...what the HELL are you typing on, J.D.? Why the space between every two lines even when there shouldn't be one?
Nerd in me has always been dying to ask.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man todays bands have to stand up and fight for heavy metal!! There are 2 paths to go on....the heavy metal path or the money trail path....its totally up to the individual.
The ones who take the money path will NOT be defending or helping heavy metal in any way. Either its stand your ground and fight for heavy metal or sell out to the big man's money and "pretend"
your heavy metal...ect....bands like Godsmack and Disturbed are "new age" and to me they are not heavy metal in any way.....I'm not bashing Godsmack or Disturbed so if anyone is offended that was
not my intentions...but just trying to make clear what is "traditional heavy metal" and what is not...and Godsmack/Disturbed are not heavy metal...they are "commercial radio friendly hard rock" and good
for them I'm not saying its bad,but they would not fit in a tour with say Judas Priest,Iron Maiden and Saxon.......but to the big corporate labels and producers of todays day and age them Godsmack
and Disturbed "are" heavy metal...but we all know that they really are not. Same as in the 80's when the media called Motley Crue and Poison "heavy metal bands" when we all knew that they were not.
This is the same thing here...just different times thats all. But going back to the overall subject Hellrider...yes...heavy metal MUST remain about black cloths,denim & leather,black boots,black gloves,black
shades,studs,spikes,bullet belts,band patches on denim jackets,chains,skulls, metal aesthetics and total 100% heavy metal sound and spirit....heavy metal deserves to be "PURE".
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:25:30 PM
[guidogodoy] Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:35:56 PM
Ok, off topic but I just have to ask...what the HELL are you typing on, J.D.? Why the space between every two lines even when there shouldn't be one?
Nerd in me has always been dying to ask. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:29:00 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man todays bands have to stand up and fight for heavy metal!! There are 2 paths to go on....the heavy metal path or the money trail path....its totally up to the individual.
The ones who take the money path will NOT be defending or helping heavy metal in any way. Either its stand your ground and fight for heavy metal or sell out to the big man's money and "pretend"
your heavy metal...ect....bands like Godsmack and Disturbed are "new age" and to me they are not heavy metal in any way.....I'm not bashing Godsmack or Disturbed so if anyone is offended that was
not my intentions...but just trying to make clear what is "traditional heavy metal" and what is not...and Godsmack/Disturbed are not heavy metal...they are "commercial radio friendly hard rock" and good
for them I'm not saying its bad,but they would not fit in a tour with say Judas Priest,Iron Maiden and Saxon.......but to the big corporate labels and producers of todays day and age them Godsmack
and Disturbed "are" heavy metal...but we all know that they really are not. Same as in the 80's when the media called Motley Crue and Poison "heavy metal bands" when we all knew that they were not.
This is the same thing here...just different times thats all. But going back to the overall subject Hellrider...yes...heavy metal MUST remain about black cloths,denim & leather,black boots,black gloves,black
shades,studs,spikes,bullet belts,band patches on denim jackets,chains,skulls, metal aesthetics and total 100% heavy metal sound and spirit....heavy metal deserves to be "PURE".
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:29:00 PM
Thanks Hellrider!!! Yeah man todays bands have to stand up and fight for heavy metal!! There are 2 paths to go on....the heavy metal path or the money trail path....its totally up to the individual.
The ones who take the money path will NOT be defending or helping heavy metal in any way. Either its stand your ground and fight for heavy metal or sell out to the big man's money and "pretend"
your heavy metal...ect....bands like Godsmack and Disturbed are "new age" and to me they are not heavy metal in any way.....I'm not bashing Godsmack or Disturbed so if anyone is offended that was
not my intentions...but just trying to make clear what is "traditional heavy metal" and what is not...and Godsmack/Disturbed are not heavy metal...they are "commercial radio friendly hard rock" and good
for them I'm not saying its bad,but they would not fit in a tour with say Judas Priest,Iron Maiden and Saxon.......but to the big corporate labels and producers of todays day and age them Godsmack
and Disturbed "are" heavy metal...but we all know that they really are not. Same as in the 80's when the media called Motley Crue and Poison "heavy metal bands" when we all knew that they were not.
This is the same thing here...just different times thats all. But going back to the overall subject Hellrider...yes...heavy metal MUST remain about black cloths,denim & leather,black boots,black gloves,black
shades,studs,spikes,bullet belts,band patches on denim jackets,chains,skulls, metal aesthetics and total 100% heavy metal sound and spirit....heavy metal deserves to be "PURE". [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by hellrider 31038 from Saturday, September 26, 2009 2:27:55 PM)
hellrider 31038 wrote:
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
[hellrider 31038] Saturday, September 26, 2009 2:27:55 PM
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Becks wrote:
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:47:27 AM
Yes it is a load of bollocks Becks,but that also doesn't mean that an upcoming band shouldn't try and get as far as they can,but never sacrifice heavy metal's traditional
aesthetics and image or it's traditional sound and spirit........who knows...maybe there will be one band that emerges up from nowhere...alls it takes is one band to get
thier name out and gain momentum and eventually others would be sure to follow..ect....a new heavy metal scene....they may not reach the status and the kind of cash
flow that Priest are comfortable with having that they earned of course,but they may also be able to bring heavy metal back a little bit and still make a living at it.
tasnam1 is right about bands that have started out with thier style and sound..ect..and slowly sold out because they had to at that time,it is just what it is. But just
like the first Exciter song from 1983's Heavy Metal Maniac album....todays bands have to "STAND UP AND FIGHT".....fight for heavy metal.
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
[Becks] Saturday, September 26, 2009 4:13:22 AM
Sad isn't it JD. People these days have massive misconceptions about 'traditional' heavy metal. Plus it's all pop and rap and other shit music that is popular anyway, so like you say, if a band was to come out with Priest or Maiden style heavy metal, they wouldn't get very far. It's such a load of bollocks. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:52:34 AM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
tasnam1 wrote:
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Saturday, September 26, 2009 3:52:34 AM
Yes tasnam1....nobody ever said that it wasn't about the money...we all know that. What I am saying is that up-starting bands that want to "make it big" like Judas Priest or Iron maiden
can NOT "make it big" playing traditional heavy metal like Judas Priest or Iron Maiden because that is not what sells today. Sure Priest and Maiden sell big time because they are already
established from the great 1980's. If they were to merge onto the scene today...both Priest and Maiden wouldn't get very far and have a very very small fan base because heavy metal is not
the "in thing" in today's day and age...its crap bands like Mushroomhead and system of a down and ect... If anyone wants to create a traditional heavy metal band and persue it seriously
than they will have to realize and understand that they will not be making any big time cash and will probably have to work a real job on the side..ect....... Once they take the "sell out road"
and conform to what the big time producer wants and change thier image and sound ect....than they are no longer a traditional heavy metal band. Its pretty simple. Bands that will carry the
torch for Judas Priest,Saxon,Iron Maiden,Black Sabbath....will be underground underrated bands that will do it for the love of traditinal heavy metal music and be satisfied with what little cash
they will get from it all. There is no magic record label that will let you create a band similar to Judas Priest and play kick ass heavy metal,open up for Priest..ect..and earn as much money
as Priest or even close.... .....if you want the kind of money as Judas Priest or Iron will have to do it with another style of music,not "heavy metal" cause it aint happening.
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
[tasnam1] Friday, September 25, 2009 11:28:30 PM
As I said in my post. "It is about the money". which is the reasons why these bands change.
I never said I agreed or supported it.
It is simple about the money so most (if not even all) bands adapt and change to meet the demands of the business.
Example: (Note I am not in the business so these are my assumptions)
#1 Band makes first album sells 10,000 copies - no food to eat, hand to mouth
#2 Fronted $50,000 to make second album. Sell 100,000 copies - get money for booze, drugs, girls & food.
#3 Fronted $125,000 to make third album. Sell 500,000 copies - get first sports car, real apartment and more excesses.
#4 Fronted $250,000 to make forth album. Sell 1,000,000 copies. Buy house, Fararri and lots of girls.
#5 Fronted $500,000 to make fifth album. Sales Suck. sell only 450,000 copies. Indebted to record company even more.
HAVE to sell more albums to keep up with lifestyle and pay back fronte money.
Need money for excesses that they have become accustomed to.
#6 Company puts even MORE pressure on them to top the past sales and the band concedes.
They HAVe to; in order to keep up the pattern of growth.
#7 You know the rest of this story.....
This is the way of the REAL Music world.
You and I know that many bands start with the intent of putting music first but they get caught in the corporate trap.
In fact almost no way around it.
BTW - I have had a few scotches tonight so sorry for typos........Cheers!
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 11:31:41 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, September 25, 2009 10:18:50 PM
Yes I agree Becks. What Freeze said is true...many bands are more willing to make a buck than to follow in thier heavy metal traditions. If a band stayed true to itself and did not
sell out...and still made it big without changing...than it would be like winning the lottory......I don't think there are enough musicians that have a passion for heavy metal anymore.
Too many are playing death and black metal and everything inbetween......
I agee JD. There's nothing worse than being stuck in a job where you get paid well, but you are not doing what you love. I would rather do what I love, for example if I played in a band, heavy metal music, rather than selling out playing music I hated just for a bit of cash. And yes, there are things so much more important than money. I too am glad just to be healthy and have a roof over my head.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Well....yeah your right!! lol! It is very hard to say........I personally "would not". Why? Because I would "HATE" my job...playing music I don't like and having to play
show after show after show acting like I am enjoying what I'm doing.......yeah I would have the million dollar contract but I would become VERY depressed and unhappy
very fast. I don't think money is everything.........I often think like this whenever I see somebody that has cancer....I think to myself...I am healthy and I have a roof over my head
and think to could I be bitching about wanting more money and wanting more things when I just saw this person that has a life threatening illness? It really
brings me down to earth and charrish what I getting rich is really not that imprtant to me. Somebody else may have a different opinion and thats fine..but for
me I could never sell out heavy metal to a record label's idea of thier sound and image.
Deep Freeze wrote:
I see what you mean. It's a shame but you're right in so much as there are far more bands that sell out than those that stay true to their "dream"...unless of course that "dream" is to make cash. It's hard to say what it is in a person's mind and it is harder to say what I would do if a record label waved a million dollar contract in front of me and said, "put on a hockey jersey and a hat"... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta admit, my friend, I would be VERY tempted.
[Becks] Friday, September 25, 2009 4:53:02 PM
I agee JD. There's nothing worse than being stuck in a job where you get paid well, but you are not doing what you love. I would rather do what I love, for example if I played in a band, heavy metal music, rather than selling out playing music I hated just for a bit of cash. And yes, there are things so much more important than money. I too am glad just to be healthy and have a roof over my head. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Friday, September 25, 2009 4:46:59 PM)
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
LOL! Well....yeah your right!! lol! It is very hard to say........I personally "would not". Why? Because I would "HATE" my job...playing music I don't like and having to play
show after show after show acting like I am enjoying what I'm doing.......yeah I would have the million dollar contract but I would become VERY depressed and unhappy
very fast. I don't think money is everything.........I often think like this whenever I see somebody that has cancer....I think to myself...I am healthy and I have a roof over my head
and think to could I be bitching about wanting more money and wanting more things when I just saw this person that has a life threatening illness? It really
brings me down to earth and charrish what I getting rich is really not that imprtant to me. Somebody else may have a different opinion and thats fine..but for
me I could never sell out heavy metal to a record label's idea of thier sound and image.
Deep Freeze wrote:
I see what you mean. It's a shame but you're right in so much as there are far more bands that sell out than those that stay true to their "dream"...unless of course that "dream" is to make cash. It's hard to say what it is in a person's mind and it is harder to say what I would do if a record label waved a million dollar contract in front of me and said, "put on a hockey jersey and a hat"... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta admit, my friend, I would be VERY tempted.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, September 25, 2009 4:46:59 PM
LOL! Well....yeah your right!! lol! It is very hard to say........I personally "would not". Why? Because I would "HATE" my job...playing music I don't like and having to play
show after show after show acting like I am enjoying what I'm doing.......yeah I would have the million dollar contract but I would become VERY depressed and unhappy
very fast. I don't think money is everything.........I often think like this whenever I see somebody that has cancer....I think to myself...I am healthy and I have a roof over my head
and think to could I be bitching about wanting more money and wanting more things when I just saw this person that has a life threatening illness? It really
brings me down to earth and charrish what I getting rich is really not that imprtant to me. Somebody else may have a different opinion and thats fine..but for
me I could never sell out heavy metal to a record label's idea of thier sound and image. [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, September 25, 2009 3:42:59 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
I see what you mean. It's a shame but you're right in so much as there are far more bands that sell out than those that stay true to their "dream"...unless of course that "dream" is to make cash. It's hard to say what it is in a person's mind and it is harder to say what I would do if a record label waved a million dollar contract in front of me and said, "put on a hockey jersey and a hat"... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta admit, my friend, I would be VERY tempted.
[Deep Freeze] Friday, September 25, 2009 3:42:59 PM
I see what you mean. It's a shame but you're right in so much as there are far more bands that sell out than those that stay true to their "dream"...unless of course that "dream" is to make cash. It's hard to say what it is in a person's mind and it is harder to say what I would do if a record label waved a million dollar contract in front of me and said, "put on a hockey jersey and a hat"... HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta admit, my friend, I would be VERY tempted.
[J.D. DIAMOND] Friday, September 25, 2009 2:55:02 PM
They continue to chase that particular career and are willing to do "whatever it takes" to "make it" and that almost always means selling out.
Yes Freeze you are correct,I agree. But when they "chase that career" and do whatever it takes to "make it" including "selling out"...than they have "NOT" even come close to
thier dream in the first place right? If a heavy metal band starts out with total metal aesthetics and total metal traditional sound..ect...and then a major record lable signs them
and then the producer changes thier image,taints thier sound and tweeks thier entire formula to "sell records to the mass" the time the band hits the populas...they are a
total joke and nowhere near "metal". All of that just to get a few dollars for about a "year" till they fade out and never heard from again. Heavy Metal is not going to be huge as it
was in the 80's....if people keep believing this they are in for a disappointment big time. If I joined a heavy metal would be for "passion" and aesthetics....if a record producer
said to me: J.D....we can sell tons of albums if you do this..ect... I would definately say "forget it". Alls they do is take a normal heavy metal band and turn thier sound and image into
a band like "Popevil". If you and I started a traditional band and turned it into a record label and they signed us...they would want to turn us into a "Disturbed" or a "Godsmack"........
because that is what the general population listens to. "Making it" isn't that important to me as I would be embarressed to be a part of a band that drops thier beliefs for cash$.
There are lots of heavy metal bands that keep playing heavy metal and are not "making it big" but they still get to do what they love. Take the very popular black metal band
"Darkthrone" from Norway. They are a part of the begining of the norwegian black metal scene and they are probably the MOST popular black metal band in the entire scene
and they do get some money from all of thier exposure..but nothing like Judas Priest..ect...Darkthrone's 2 members work in factories and they do Darkthone on the side!!!!
So they work a normal job to pay the bills.....Immortal's drummer Horough does construction on his off time to keep up with bills and Immortal is ever as bit as popular as
Darkthrone is. So todays age....there IS NO MARKET for selling traditional heavy metal music like Judas Priest....if we came to a producer of a "big" label and said
we wanted to do our own style..ect...he would say "no way in hell" cause this is not going to make me any money. Thats why bands that want to play real heavy metal and don't
care about the cash....then they go to a underground label and do it there. I guess it really is up to the individual and his passion for true heavy metal music. Nobody is going to
get away with calling an over-produced top 40 approached sell-out "do what ever it takes" band a "heavy metal band". The "fans" always shut it down. So I guess it really is up
to the individual and thier standards as to waht kind of music they are willing to play just to earn a dollar. If they want the money...then create a top 40 rock band and don't claim
it as "heavy metal"....then they have a chance at "making it big" a band like "Popevil".
Hmm. Good point. I guess you're right about the fact that the "scene" has changed considerably. Metal itself certainly has. It seems that the people that are putting out Metal are not so much interested in image, just as you said, as they are mass appeal. There are good bands out there but very little substance. That has been my complaint with most "popular" music.. lack of substance.
I suppose it comes down to comparing a group like Pentagram with a more recent act. As you said, the guys in Pentagram never "sold out". But they are the exception. Management and Record companies are looking for acts they can sell on a mass scale. Independant labels still sign smaller acts but the bigger companies are looking for marketing appeal. Besides, spending your career working in small clubs and bars for a few hundred dollars is a brutal way to make a living. Hard work, little pay. But...well, you get to play music, right?
Of course, there are still those "musicians" out there that claim they cannot handle being a "nine to fiver" or doing a "regular" job so music is all they know and all they want to do. They continue to chase that particular career and are willing to do "whatever it takes" to "make it" and that almost always means selling out.
J.D. DIAMOND wrote:
Yeah I can agree Freeze. The overall point that I want to make is that in today's day and age "the "heavy metal scene" is about "underground". Back in the 80's it was you got in a band
and tried to "make it".....if you didn't "make it" in about a year...then you "quit". Thats it. I don't think very many people realized that "making it" wasn't the #1 important thing.....the most
important thing was the "music". The doom rock band "Pentagram" from the states is a perfect example of this. They never gave up and they never "made it"....but even today Bobby
Liebling(lead vocalist) is extremely proud of Pentagram and they have had an underground cult following since the 70's with thier studio albums and live albums ect. If a bunch of guys
want to get into "heavy metal" to make money...than they are in the wrong business. Sure you can get on a its easy,back then it was not. But you will not be making much
money at all.The odds of a band "making it big" in Heavy Metal and having lots of cash are very slim. Getting into a heavy metal band is not much different then getting into a black metal
band or a death metal only should do it because you love the music and have a passion for it....not to hope to try and become a millionare at "any costs"..and this includes
dressing in tunnel hat clothing to go along with the producer of the record deal..ect.....And to answer Tasnam1's post........"this is whats wrong with the heavy metal scene today".
(Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, September 24, 2009 9:27:29 PM)
Deep Freeze wrote:
I guess it comes down to what they are doing it for in the first place. I mean, if they are looking to make money, they are going to do what they must to make money. I have often said that I truly love "real" Metal. Old School Metal. Priest music. it is, by far, my favorite but I am also smart enough to know that "making it" is about what "it" means.... MONEY. Unless your name is Halford, your chances of making a lot of money in Metal are VERY low. There are not a lot of albums flying off the shelves in that genre. Sad but true.
It would seem that making money in music is easiest if you sing (speak?) through a synthesizer to pre-recorded music and have a half dozen lame dancers writhing around behind you doing some moronic, synchronized "moves". Not a lot of real "talent" there but, well get the idea. I guess the point is, what is it that a band or an act are looking for? WHY do they do it? Fame? Money? Or simply to "express" themselves through music? If it is the latter, I don't suppose it matters if they are wearing leather or tutus but, ....well, it does. Seems to me that the MUSIC is far less important to the "buying" public.
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 3:58:43 AM
Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 2:55:44 PM Edited at: Friday, September 25, 2009 2:56:07 PM
[guidogodoy] Friday, September 25, 2009 10:32:53 AM
In this photo, Kirk reminds me of Billy Crystal: "You look marvelous!"
This is how they dress in band photos nowadays everywhere "Metallica" is mentioned ....this is the shit photo that they show,or one like it and it pisses me off that people still call them "Metal".!!!!!!
This is Metallica in 1984....this is how they used to represent themselves in band photos,promo-pics,magaizine photos,CD booklets...everywhere the "band" was to take a photo for the "band"
this is how the wore thier aesthetics...denim & leather. Now look above.....
Edited at: Thursday, September 24, 2009 4:42:28 PM