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MOVIES you liked and ones you didn't...
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give us an idea of what you thought was REALLY GOOD or REALLY BAAAAAAD!!!

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[Head banger] Monday, April 16, 2012 8:05:30 PM 
wow, that sounds like its a pain in the ass.  started trying to download, I hate windows vista.
will advise.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Monday, April 16, 2012 12:01:44 AM)
[Budred] Monday, April 16, 2012 5:58:06 PM 
I watched "Bad Teacher" last night. Not great but it had some funny parts.
It also had some some Priest music in it.. A little bit of "You've Got Another Thing Comin'"
near the beginning and a little bit of "the Ripper"  near the middle.
 I'll give it  a thumbs up just for that.
[guidogodoy] Monday, April 16, 2012 12:01:44 AM 
To get any old-school video game is a relatively easy process (says the nerd) once you get the hang of it.

First, you need the free program MAME (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator):

That is what runs all arcade programs. If you are running Windows, download the *.exe (second in the download list).
This program is all you really need. However, the interface isn't graphical by default. I recommend running MAMEUI but there are tons of "front ends" that let you just click and run a game:

Final thing is the game itself. Just do a search for tron.rom There are a ton of sites but here is one great one:

Whole trick is to make sure you know where you are installing things. You have to get any ROM into the folder called "rom" (duh). Do it properly and you should see an arcade machine icon in your MAMEUI folder. Shoot down to Tron and double-click. If you remember the original game, a joystick for your computer is the best way to run it.

Like I said, though, you are on your own to supply the blacklights.

[Head banger] Sunday, April 15, 2012 9:50:19 PM 
Where can I get the original tron game????

me want!!!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:37:03 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, April 15, 2012 8:11:47 PM 
Oh, how easily they forget. Bubo, best golden owl EVER!
(I thought your daughter liked "ALL Greek movies"?) Not that any except the one I mentioned were actually GREEK, she should have loved the first Clash! Greek in theme, no? Perhaps she didn't love Perseus? She should have loved the rest of the film, though.

Come on, now. Defend the "Kings of Mykonos!" HAAAAAA!!!!!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, April 15, 2012 7:39:52 PM)
[spapad] Sunday, April 15, 2012 7:39:52 PM 
OH.....come on! The eighties remake with Harry Hamlin sucked.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, April 15, 2012 7:27:54 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, April 15, 2012 7:27:54 PM 
Now wait....the new "outstripped" the remake of the old? LOL! Has she ever seen the early '80s version?

I take it for granted that she liked "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" but how about "The Kings of Mykonos?" BLEAH!!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:51:07 PM)
[spapad] Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:51:07 PM 
You have the modern ones right and just like you my daughter loves them. I've not watched the second one yet but I'm sure I'll appriciate it. My daughter loves all movies greek being that she is half greek. Glad to hear the new outstripped the old.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Netanyah99RobH8 from Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:26:12 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:37:03 PM 
Ah, you are very young, then. No worries.You mentioned the "1st one" which would have been the early '80s.

Like saying that the first King Kong starred Jack Black. We are talking apples and oranges.Glad you liked the follow-up to the remake of a classic.

@HB - I still want to turn on the blacklights in my room when I play the ORIGINAL (yes, there were remakes to the game too) Tron on computer.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Netanyah99RobH8 from Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:26:12 PM)
[Stratovarius217] Sunday, April 15, 2012 6:26:12 PM 
What? Im just saying (2012) Wrath was better than the (2010) Clash.
I havent seen the very first clash of the titans and Im not talking about the very first clash of the titans.

Clash of the titans was the first one and Wrath of the titans was the second one. From 2010-2012 
I have the right film.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, April 14, 2012 11:57:02 PM)
[Head banger] Sunday, April 15, 2012 5:41:18 PM 
the original tron kicked ass.  the remake was perhaps adequate. 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, April 14, 2012 11:57:02 PM)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, April 14, 2012 11:57:02 PM 
WHAT?!? Better than the FIRST one?!? You are playing with an icon with that statement.

I suppose it should be noted that there was no first one - that was "CLASH of the Titans." Sure you have the right film? They did remake CLASH but no Burgess Meredith or claymation and I am prejudiced right from the start.

I suppose I'll have to see it before I pass final judgement but that statement is like saying the remake of Tron was better than the original to an old-school fan!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Netanyah99RobH8 from Saturday, April 14, 2012 9:37:45 PM)
[Stratovarius217] Saturday, April 14, 2012 9:37:45 PM 
Wrath of The Titans was really good. It was better than the 1st one. Saw it on the 13th. Zeus died That was pretty messed up. Hades turned good. But when Zeus died Hades seemed a little sneaky. idk It was cool though.
Cant wait to see the Hobbit!
[asylum rejects] Tuesday, April 10, 2012 10:11:03 AM 
 I liked the judas priest movie obout Tim the ripper Owens
[Head banger] Monday, April 02, 2012 5:53:55 AM 
in the book there is way more action than the movie showed.  lots of lost details.
havent seen battle Royale  might have to do that.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:32:57 PM)
[Becks] Monday, April 02, 2012 12:40:57 AM 
I agree with the camera thing, I was getting really pissed off with it!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:32:57 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:32:57 PM 
Oh, right on the money! The bouncing cam did NOTHING (sure, make it look like there is some action happening when there is none). They look like they are going to OZ and yet manage to survive without food or drink. Made no sense to someone who didn't read the book. I was thinking the entire time: Running Man! Fine short story, BTW. Got it here in front of me.

I read reviews later that said that the makers of the Japanese film, Battle Royale, should have sued them. I haven't seen it but have it on my Netflix list as of tonight.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:14:58 PM)
[Head banger] Sunday, April 01, 2012 10:14:58 PM 
read the books.  like the book of the running man its way better.  and if only the director had access to this new tech called a steady cam it would have been great
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Sunday, April 01, 2012 7:22:48 PM)
[guidogodoy] Sunday, April 01, 2012 7:22:48 PM 
Just saw "The Hunger Games." I give it a general blaaaah.Watch "The Running Man" instead. More interesting plus it had the ex-Governator (and Richard Dawson!).
[Budred] Wednesday, March 21, 2012 5:49:53 AM 
"Tucker And Dale Do Evil"

One of those "stupidly" funny movies. I enjoyed it. 
(...I wonder how many people just went, "You would".)(LOL)
[acolyte55] Thursday, November 24, 2011 3:42:23 PM 
any rutger hauer fans??
[Vaillant 3.0] Tuesday, November 22, 2011 10:44:43 PM 
Just saw 'Killer Elite' today with a friend of mine. Two thumbs up!
[Head banger] Saturday, November 19, 2011 4:56:44 PM 
yep  I agree

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Netanyah99RobH8 from Saturday, November 19, 2011 1:34:17 PM)
[faile4priest] Saturday, November 19, 2011 2:57:10 PM 
 Hi why dont you tell us if the Priest guys make a film, what kind of film will it be?
[Stratovarius217] Saturday, November 19, 2011 1:34:17 PM 
Vampires are pretty cool like the Underworld ones but twisheit (twilight) ruined vampires.
Vampires dont sparkle when they're in the sun WTF!! Twisheit movies need to burn just like Lady Gaga's music.  
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, November 19, 2011 9:50:43 AM)
[Head banger] Saturday, November 19, 2011 9:50:43 AM 
a vampire movie is suposed to suck.  just not the way those did
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Netanyah99RobH8 from Friday, November 18, 2011 9:16:42 PM)
[Stratovarius217] Friday, November 18, 2011 9:16:42 PM 
Movies I liked hmm...
Lord of The Rings (all of em)
Movies I hate....
Twilight (Total SUCK Fest)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, August 17, 2011 5:17:41 PM 
Requiem For A Dream - Fuckin A,just watched this movie again,haven't seen it in a couple years...totally trippy movie without any stupid one liners or any corny bullshit,just a freakin trip.
[Vaillant 3.0] Monday, August 15, 2011 11:17:14 PM 
Watched Machete on TV this past weekend. I give it two thumbs up for the comedy and the action.
[electriceye69] Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11:28:15 AM 
Not much you can stop doing except ,coming here your only life is here!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Sunday, July 10, 2011 3:27:51 PM)
[METALMANJP] Tuesday, July 19, 2011 11:15:28 AM 
Hall Pass. Hilarious !
[heimda11] Wednesday, July 13, 2011 2:04:39 PM 
Wolfgang is clearly a very lucky dude
[guidogodoy] Sunday, July 10, 2011 5:27:24 PM 
The last 3D I saw was John Candy on SCTV:
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, July 10, 2011 4:15:31 PM 
3D has come a very long way!! I remember going to see Jaws 3D and thought that was cool back then, but NOW! Holy Crap! We saw How To Train Your Dragon in 3D at the IMAX and it was AMAZING! It was like they were flying all around you and you were part of the movie. I can't wait to see Transformers in 3D - my boys are going to love it!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by \~AuntieB~/ from Sunday, July 10, 2011 7:39:30 AM)
[spapad] Sunday, July 10, 2011 3:27:51 PM 
I haven't got to see the new Transformers but I bet it does look fantastic in 3D. The last 3D I saw was the last Pirates of the Caribean. It really had no need whatsoever to be 3D, and by the script they were surely hoping 3D might cover up the fact they were scrapping the bottom of the barrel on that film.
However, I will stop everything I'm doing next week and go see the last Harry Potter. 

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by \~AuntieB~/ from Sunday, July 10, 2011 7:39:30 AM)
[metalgodess] Sunday, July 10, 2011 10:48:06 AM 
What a gorgeous boy, HRMG!!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:33:34 PM)
[\~AuntieB~/] Sunday, July 10, 2011 7:39:30 AM 
Have to shift topic of discussion.  We recently saw Transformers3 - 3D.  Man.  Has 3D technology come a long way!  Still like the second Transformers better.  But Darkside of the Moon though too long is good on effects.
[\~AuntieB~/] Sunday, July 10, 2011 7:35:51 AM 
LOL ... that would be me.  We live in an apartment building and there are a couple of families of birds living in the trees nearby.  One in particular sits on a wire and talks, as if broadcasting to the rest of the birds.  Same bird everyday.  Anyway ... will be sure to choose the healthier seed should I decide to secretly feed the birds : )

Becks, HRMG, and all.  I am too chicken to have another pet.  I refuse.  Not that I do not love animals.  Quite the opposite.  Sorry for your family's loss Becks.  HRMG, the decision is difficult.  But at the end of the day is the most humane.  Sending support if that day has to come anytime soon ~

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:22:35 PM)
[Head banger] Sunday, July 10, 2011 7:27:32 AM 
I know they get pellets and seeds, as well as some other treats at dfferent times.  not realy sure
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:43:38 PM)
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Sunday, July 10, 2011 12:06:53 AM 
Happy Birthday to Kiko! I'm sure that she and Fred will enjoy their treat, it's always nice to have someone to share your birthday cake with.

Someone just tossing out a parakeet like that just makes me so angry! I'm so glad you came along and gave it a good home as well as all the other animals you have rescued!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, July 09, 2011 8:47:48 PM)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:43:38 PM 
If she does, and has been feeding them pure seeds or heavy millet for years, be aware that it is a battle to get them to switch. Look at the Roudybush website for instructions or google "converting your bird to pellets" for more info. You just can't switch main diet from one day to another. All but that budgie I saved from the dumpster were always on pellets. Took QUITE some time and patience to convert the budgie. Sadly, too late. Necropsy showed exactly what I described. Died of fatty liver disease.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:34:14 PM)
[Head banger] Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:34:14 PM 
interesting.  I think she has a cockatile and a budgie, but not sure.  will pass that along.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:32:05 PM)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:32:05 PM 
Yup. Leads to "fatty liver disease" which does away with many a bird. Also not a good idea to feed them seeds as they are also high fat. Just junk food, really. Even those mixes are a bad idea as birds tend to only eat the "twinkies" leaving all the "veggies." That is why most bird experts feed birds extruded pellets. Basically takes a better mix of the good and bad and fortifies it with vitimins and minerals. ZuPreem, Roudybush, something along those lines in terms of pellets are always better.

That is for parrots, cockatiels, budgies, etc., though. A canary, on the other hand, is a higher energy bird and can get away with a seed diet and more millet as a treat. Depends on the type of bird.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:19:11 PM)
[spapad] Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:22:35 PM 
My mom puts millet out on several trees during the winter, like she is afraid birds will starve without her.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:19:11 PM)
[Head banger] Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:19:11 PM 
millet is fattening?  my mom gives her birds millet all the time. 
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Saturday, July 09, 2011 8:47:48 PM)
[Becks] Saturday, July 09, 2011 11:13:40 PM 
Awww Wolfgang is lovely HRMG!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:33:34 PM)
[spapad] Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:58:25 PM 
That makes him an autograph hound! HA!! Bad humor.

He's the babe!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:33:34 PM)
[guidogodoy] Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:48:05 PM 
AWWWWWW!!! How cute! Took me a minute to see the pen in his paw (signing the card..heh) but it is very nice to have finally made Wolgang's virtual acquaintance.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:33:34 PM)
[HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS] Saturday, July 09, 2011 10:33:34 PM 
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for the wonderful comments. You are all amazing people and I am very thankful for wonderful friends like you!! Here's a picture of Wolfgang "signing" my Mother's Day card this year (the stuff he puts up with, LOL!)

[metalgodess] Saturday, July 09, 2011 8:58:43 PM 
HRMG - I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet boy...there is nothing as awful as coming to that point in a pet's life where you must make decisions...they truly are the most loyal and loving and honest 'friends' we could ever have.  I can't imagine a world without dogs or cats. They give us so much and as for nothing in return.  Just keep loving him the way you have been and hope for the best.  He sounds like he has had a wonderful life with people who adored him, and that means everything, so just keep on treasuring him each day that you've got him.  I'm sure he knows that whatever you decide, it is a decision made with love and respect for him.  If you can and want to, post a pic of him so we can 'meet' him.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Saturday, July 09, 2011 8:27:36 PM)
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