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[Deep Freeze] Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:58:27 PM 
I agree, HFG!! I am certain he will give a quality review!

Steve, well said! I could not agree more. The album is what it is and comparisions are a useless waste of energy. MANY bands have done concept albums, this is nothing new. Creative license is just part of being an artist. Not everyone will "get it", nor should they. Apparently, there are a few here that clearly do not.

The previous comments were not about honest, thoughtful consideration of the new album. They were were meant to create discord, plain and simple. I am thankful that so many of our members are intelligent enough to see through such nonsense. It is truly a testament to us as a group.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Demonizer13 from Thursday, June 12, 2008 1:22:02 PM)
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