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[Rob Ward] Friday, June 13, 2008 6:45:12 PM 

Gee Deep, however did I come to that conclusion? Maybe this will refresh your memory;

"I think it is more than obvious that Mr. Ward is still craving attention. If you recall, he made inflammatory remarks many weeks ago and was called out on it then as well. This is not a person that anyone should consider a valid source of musical knowledge. We are not talking the R&D man at Sony here, people! This is a person that is simply looking for a reaction, and it appears there are many that are more than willing to oblige."

Or how about this part?

"Look, if the guy does not like the album, fine. He has every right to his opinion! I can accept that there are probably many more just like him in this world. However, you will note that most of them do not come here to the official site and bash on the Band. Clearly, we have an attention seeker on our hands. Worse yet, we are lending him credence by responding!"

Or how about this part when you call me stupid?

I know there are many of you that have been members of this site long enough to have seen this schtick more than once. I can remember some that were actually intelligent and presented an argument worthy of debate. I fear that is not the case with young Mr. Ward. Further discussion or counter-argument with this individual is the mental equivalent of debate with an Australian bushman regarding the intricasies of compound interest and bond investment. It is simply a waste of your time!

Why is it that you prefer for me to ignore you, but you couldn't find the restraint to do it yourself in the first place? Are you above being responded to? Let me guess you’re a liberal aren't you?

BTW, I'm 40 years old; you can save your speeches for your global warming POW WOW, and lets see the inflammatory remarks I made a few weeks ago.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Friday, June 13, 2008 10:40:10 AM) Edited at: Friday, June 13, 2008 6:48:19 PM Edited at: Friday, June 13, 2008 6:51:50 PM
Edited at: Friday, June 13, 2008 6:52:45 PM
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