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[Deep Freeze] Monday, June 16, 2008 12:54:09 PM 
Darth, while I do appreciate you coming to my defense, it is not really necessary. It appears as though I have "pushed a button" or two on young Mr.Ward and I am now free to enjoy his self-destruction. It is good to know that I have friends on this site that are so concerned with my well-being. Thank you. You are a true friend.
There were a couple very legitimate points made by our disadvantaged, would-be adversary. I do consider myself "above" at least a certain percentage of those that frequent this site. I count Mr. Ward among that group. Additionally,  while my mother is aware of my fondness for this site, I do not believe she has restricted me from it or expressed concern, as yet. I will have to ask.

Most interestingly, I fail to understand what my socio-political beliefs have to do with pointing out the shortcomings of a troublemaker? Conservative, Liberal, Moderate. There are losers in all groups, as we have witnessed. Apparently, the word liberal is frightening to some. While I have used it to describe people in the past, I have had liberals call me far worse!  HA!!!!!!!!! Oh well! I cannot accurately say that is relevant. Of course, "hating" the Band is...apparently.

Finally Darth, you and I and the rest of the regular members should focus on what is really important here, the Band and our friendships as a result of the Band.  Cretins come and go. We have no control over that aspect of the site. I will point out in summation that anyone can build up "ignores" against another. It has been done over and over by the past troublemakers, but only ONE person can make you a friend and that is really all that matters.

Now, if you do not mind, I shall return to my "lack of a life" and "blithering".......
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Darth_Painkiller_0870 from Monday, June 16, 2008 4:37:49 AM)
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