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[Rob Ward] Monday, June 16, 2008 8:04:56 PM 

Alright Darth first let’s go back to the beginning and why we are here in the first place. I gave my honest opinion about the cd, I didn't call anyone names, I didn't say you was stupid if you like this cd, I didn't bring anyone in to it. I've never talked to you or Deep before in my life, I have no idea who you are, I don't know what kind of person you are, and I've never read any of your post. So then I get attacked by the two of you and neither of you know anything about me, yet you call me names and tell lies and half truths about me, even up to today you called me and "arrogant S.O.B" and it's completely unwarranted as I have been defending myself from your attacks since your first response to me.

As for my "HONEST" review of the cd, I held nothing back because I'm tired of the same old crap this band has been putting out since Turbo with the exception of Painkiller. I said I hate Judas Priest because at this point I do; I hate them because they make it hard for me to continue to be fan. I'm sick of the thrash metal cd’s and songs, I'm sick of the down right crappy music, see Ram It Down. I know every cd can't be Screaming for Vengeance, but damn dude this crap they've been putting out is getting old. I'm tired of hearing Glenn play solo's that all sound the same, they're all fast, noodley, and void of any feeling. I hate that they use processors instead of real amps, their guitar tone is nothing like it used to be, in fact its worse then it's ever been. I hate it when I hear or read an interview and they say things like "The Metal Community," "The Kids," I'm forty freakin' years old I'm not a kid, and I don’t think of music in terms of metal being this separate entity that people who like Judas Priest listen to nothing but heavy metal.  I have a very diverse taste in music and I don’t want to be included in this alternative universe. This isn’t the 80’s when Heavy Metal was considered the devils music, heck it has its own category at the music awards thanks to Metallica.

Then they come out with this conceptual album, if you like it that's fine with me but I don't. I don't want to like it, I want to listen to music with feeling and energy, fist pumping head banging actual music, not some freakin' "Metal Opera" that I have to listen to in the dark 3 or 4 times by myself before I "Understand" what they're trying to do. When I was 15 I probably would have liked this cd, I would have thought of it as some mysterious puzzle that I had to decode. That's why I used the phrase, "Mush Brained Adolescences," at 15 that's pretty much what you are. Being 40 years old I look at it as a piece of crap and a waste of time. Who gives a freak about Nostradamus anyway? Why in the heck is it about Nostradamus? He's as irrelevant as the cold war.

I was listening to Halfords solo stuff, War of Words, and Resurrection, those 2 cd's are better then anything Priest has put out since Defenders of the Faith, with the exception of Painkiller. Crucible is another great cd, I listen to that stuff and then I hear Nostradamus and I ask myself, why am I still a fan of this band? I've been listening to Priest since 1978 when I first heard Green Manalishi, but since Turbo came out I have been less and less a fan. When Painkiller came out it was a breath of fresh air, I thought to myself finally a cd that I'm proud to listen to, then the whole thing with Rob leaving the band and the way in which they handled it, Glenn calling Tim the best singer Priest ever had etc. etc. it was a joke. I'm sure you've heard a band call "Airborne," those guys are kicking ass, they're the complete package. Their songs kick ass, their actually entertaining to listen to, and its actual music. Their guitar tone is to die for, the guitar work is so bluesy and soulful, it's the kind of music you have on while your hanging with your buddies and or your girl while your drinking a couple of beers shooting some pool or whatever. Nostradamus doesn't offer that so I'm not interested in Nostradamus.

As for Deep and his physical condition, like I said I don't know they guy, I've never read any of his post, I don't know what kind of person he is. But like with you I have been defending myself since he first responded to my post. I never attacked him he attacks me by calling me names and suggesting to other people that my opinion was irrelevant because he didn't agree with it. I don't wish bad things on anyone and I'll keep him in my prayers, but being disabled isn't a free pass, I won't hesitate to defend myself.

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