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[\m/ Metal Maniac \m/] Wednesday, August 20, 2008 10:26:19 PM 
Yeah... totally hot lol. But yes it was really good throughout (I missed Testament, oh well I already saw them like two weeks ago). Rob was hitting notes I thought he lost a long time ago. The energy was nuts. I loved it. They better do a second leg; I noticed they got the month of October open in their touring schedule so maybe they can do another round and come to Milwaukee.
At the end when Glenn was throwing out his guitar pics I ran up to see if I could get one... no luck but I was less than five feet away from him lol! It's a shame I never got the chance to meet them again. The security there were douchebags, at least last time in 05 they were a little more lax since we were on the sidewalk. Did you ever get the chance to see them in person this time around?
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