they allready spent 3 years creating nostradamus.3 years gone forever .personally no offence of coarse but i i think they have spent plenty of time with it.there are SOME really good TRACKS on it persection (metal masterpiece) being my favorite.but.its time to forge some NEW METAL before its to late.enough time spent with nostradamus bring on some new judas priest rip your face off heavy metttt tttaaallllll.HELL YEAH AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (HALFORD METAL GOD SCREAM) [Show/Hide Quoted Message](Quoting Message by Cobras-Aura from Thursday, May 21, 2009 6:09:31 PM)
Cobras-Aura wrote:
I think just about EVERYBODY including myself would like that to happen next. But I think it would be cool if they do at least a few Nostradamus shows and make a DVD release of it.
jimmyjames wrote:
Fucking right, me too.
hellrider 31038 wrote:
no.i would like to see the priest use that time to take a short break and start working on the next HARD CORE IN YOUR FACE ,SCREAMING,HEAVY MEEETTT TTTTAAAALLLL MASTERPIECE. PAAAAAAINKILLLLLER STYLE.