Your right Ron, time is wasting and slipping away from us. Personally...I would of rather the band release a regular heavy metal album with a tour and release "Nostradamus" at the same time as a "bonus" album without a tour.
None the less,I feel that we only have 1 more studio album from Judas Priest ahead of us,.....after that I think we might see the band finally say the "R" word and yes I mean "retire".
So this next album is going to be a huge factor in this band's is going to be so critical. Judas Priest should take a step back and think very hard about what thier next LP is going to sound like....if there will be a next.
And yes Ron....we haven't heard any new true "metal" from Judas Priest since March 2005 when Angel Of Retribution was released.
And with tracks on it like 3 of Judas Priest's best songs of all time with - 'Judas Rising"........"Demonizer"....and... "Hellrider".... it is not going to be an easy task thats for sure.
Maybe do shows in New York, Chicago and somewhere in California...I'm sure fans who love the Nos would flock in droves if only 3 shows in the States...maybe a couple in Canada, one in Mexico and one in Brazil...7 total shows in North and South America...and maybe a few elswhere...they could do it all in a matter of a month and a half tops and be done with it...would love a live DVD as suggested earlier as well...then get back to making Metal...I agree that time is wasting with this British Steel tour and this live release coming out (though I feel I will be disappointed with it as I was with Rising in the East or whatever it's called)...I am more than ready for new Priest's been 4+ years since I've had any!!! And this from a guy who really does like and enjoy Nostradamus...but time is a wasting!!!