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TOPIC: Do you want at least a couple of Nostra. shows?
[J.D. DIAMOND] Sunday, June 14, 2009 4:49:26 PM 
Your right Ron, time is wasting and slipping away from us. Personally...I would of rather the band release a regular heavy metal album with a tour and release "Nostradamus" at the same time as a "bonus" album without a tour.
None the less,I feel that we only have 1 more studio album from Judas Priest ahead of us,.....after that I think we might see the band finally say the "R" word and yes I mean "retire".

So this next album is going to be a huge factor in this band's is going to be so critical.  Judas Priest should take a step back and think very hard about what thier next LP is going to sound like....if there will be a next.

And yes Ron....we haven't heard any new  true "metal" from Judas Priest since March 2005 when Angel Of Retribution was released. 

And with tracks on it like  3 of Judas Priest's best songs of all time with - 'Judas Rising"........"Demonizer"....and...    "Hellrider".... it is not going to be an easy task thats for sure.

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