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TOPIC: Motorhead Albums
[Brian_Evans] Tuesday, March 16, 2010 11:11:13 PM 

Hey Diamond, Not afraid but whats the point in listing the top Maiden ALBUMS best to worst in the Maiden thread? I'm not trying to sell Iron Maiden cd's or tickets to anyone like say your buddy ( ron h), I mean he has to make up his own mind if he wants to go see Maiden. He should know wheather or not he wants to see them. He either likes them or he doesn't.( get off the fence ron h) and make a metal decision.  So how about you diamond, are you going catch Maiden on their next tour or just continue on bashing the band saying they have lost it the past 25 years and laughing at their new cd title. Their gonna blow you away and then what will you say? 

Has that smoke cleared yet cause I'm still standing bro! lol!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:55:00 PM)


Edited at: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 11:36:44 PM
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