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TOPIC: Iron Maiden Discussion
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, September 07, 2010 12:36:33 PM 
LOL! Yes I know your Lionessheart,I think the new album is failing with 80% of fans,maybe even 90% but the thing is that there are so,so many fans of the band who bought the album hoping it would turn out good and it obviously didn't but just by all these fans buying the album it will make albums sales go up,very deceiving. Same thing with the Turbo album,many bought the album because of the name Judas Priest,its deceiving.

I find it very interesting that such a "HUGE" Iron Maiden fan that you are,you are still disappointed in the New Album. This shows that your are very particular of how they write thier songs. You are anything but a "fanboy" like Brian Evans,if you were, Maiden could put out anything and you would hail it as "good as anything they have ever done". But obviously your not and you are the kind of "fan" that people should go to that don't know much about Iron Maiden,you could give them some advice on what to buy and what not to buy,this jack off Brian Evans is the worst fan anybody could ask.
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