I will almost always take the odd road, in what I write, just for the reaction. Violence really isn`t my thing, unless I`m defending my own , Otherwise, bark is much worse than the bite.
Don`t care about Rangers, never been much of a fan, just like to watch good baseball. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by . from Thursday, November 03, 2011 2:14:23 AM)
. wrote: |
No, I didn't read what you said to Lady Vail. But I do know that when you write things such as you did, that you leave yourself open to more than your horse running loose. Go figure, being cryptical.
Go Rangers!
No wait, I meant Go, St Louis!!!
Oh wait, who won?
guitardude wrote: |
Yea, and look what happen to Crockett!
I have one question of you [.]... never ridden a horse have you? And when the barn door is open the horse is out, get it?
Don`t assume you know what I meant, misleading, yes, but I got the exact reaction from you I expected. Didn`t you see my response to Lady Vail? (Quoting Message by . from Tuesday, October 25, 2011 1:07:43 AM)
. wrote: |
Typical Texan you are: getting off on talking violent sexual rape in barns. You made the case that Texas sucks just fine on your own.
Davey Crockett's last words at the Alamo:
guitardude wrote: |
What`s this Ya`ll shit, we may have an accent, but we can speak English. But you know there [.], why don`t you improve your way of life and Come on (notice proper spelling) to Texas and let`s light some up, providied you don`t think we`ll take the "fuck off" comment to seriously and leave you battered, bruised and bow legged out in the barn, with the door open no less! (Quoting Message by . from Sunday, October 23, 2011 7:08:07 AM)
. wrote: |
That's what I mean, starbreaker just is over-critical of what seemed like it was a good night, ya know?
Ya'll need to fuck off.
guitardude wrote: |
Thank You Starbreaker.
Nice shot at the [.], whatever the hell that is??
I`ve thought the same thing about Blood Red Skies and the Terminator movies, but then Metal Gods describes those movies to a T !
My heyday in the clubs was from 87 thru 93, did do the old Broco Bowl though, that was awesome. But played a lot in Austin and Houston as well as a few places throughout Oklahoma and Louisiana. Dallas City Limits was a big place we did frequently in Big D.
I can`t say from my perspective that the band looked bored, but they could`ve been better. Rob and Glenn really didn`t have much interaction. Ritchie was into it, smiling most of the night!
Everyone has an off night, but it was still a great show.
I guess short of hovering over Scott and changing the mics out, may not have been much they could do.
Starbreaker287 wrote: |
Guitardude, olive branch accepted. If Judas Priest does come back to the Dallas area, I will be there as well. I've played some big shows, I was in a band that opened a Latin Festival at Starplex once, played Arcadia a few times and other festivals at outdoor Anette Straus stage adjacent to the Meyerson. Probably like you I've played at most places Dallas musicians have played: Curtain Club, Club DaDa, Firewater etc...
So yes, I understand we're at the mercy of the soundcrew at times. Couldnt they fix it? Could both boom mics above the drums have not been working? The sound of the drums can make a band sound ultra professional or cheap. It was a pleasure to watch 3 great drummers right in a row. Not a BLS fan but their drummer was really good. Zakk has a 3 note range, but an amazing lead guitar player.
Sound aside, it was the energy from the band that bothered me. Rob wasnt even on stage during the intro to Blood Red Skies which is one of my favorite songs ever. I always thought that song should have been used in the Terminator movies.
Edited at: Friday, October 21, 2011 10:49:50 AM |
Edited at: Sunday, October 23, 2011 4:28:15 PM |
Edited at: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 5:31:00 PM |
Edited at: Thursday, November 03, 2011 4:42:49 PM |