Oh, you KNOW they did. Not that I've had much of a chance to review them but, hell, out of several hundred the odds are in our favor! LOL!!!
Hang on....one teaser.
There! Lots of blurry but lots of sharp to match! 

[Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by spapad from Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10:29:33 PM)
spapad wrote: |
Armistice day Week my friend! A must for anyone British and even Scott wore one.
Please tell me my close ups of Richie and Rob turned out in Hammond! Please!
guidogodoy wrote: |
I am reviewing the pieces of video as I type and I am glad to say that the only person around me who wasn't going absolutely crazy in Detroit was some poor woman who was a bit "under the weather!" LOL! She sat with her head down on her lap through BLS and Priest. Good for us! I made my brother switch to the seat behind her for better filming! We just had to say "sorry" to all the people behind us as the camera was blocking their view. Hey, we promised them free copies! Even gave one guy a shot of Rob signing his stuff right after the show. Still, while the vid on the cellphone looks great, it can't hold a candle to a decent point-and-shoot.
Best shot was OF the guy in question! Hope you enjoyed this, nameless stranger! (check our Rob's flower! Almost as good as the fact that four of the six guys waiting all had on Detroit Tigers hats! Yeah, boy!)

spapad wrote: |
I would have fell on my knees to worship had the DT people not crammed the seats so tight that my knees hit the seats in front of me while seated and the back of my knees took a beating when I stood. My knees were spent. lol They could have eased up a bit on the spacing. I had to stand on my seat to let anyone pass.
I did do alot of "all hail" arm bowing.
guidogodoy wrote: |
"Laughing at him?!?" In MY packed section in Detroit there were people practically falling to their knees to praise the Metal Gods! It was universal! Rob was simply outstanding in both shows. Hands down and I have a ton of vid to prove it! Vocals were just spot-on!
Now if I could only get all my data organized...
The long time Priest fans around us in Cleveland/Detroit/Hammond were all in complete awe of Rob as well. No one was laughing at him around me. There was only praise and a lot of holy shit's that was AWESOME, the best I've heard him since the '80s, etc. I also didn't know if Rob could perform that well in Detroit after absolutely KILLING IT in Hammond the night before, but holy hell, he NAILED IT AGAIN!! The entire band KILLED IT both nights! In Cleveland, Glenn wasn't jumping around quite as much, but he was still giving an incredible performance. Ian was strong as always, Scott blew me away as he always does and Richie really did a fantastic job. And if you decided to not go see them, well, I THANK YOU because I was able to get closer seats! HA!
Personally, I think they are playing a certain song on this tour that sums up some fans: NEVER SATISFIED!
guidogodoy wrote: |
My two cents here is that Priest absolutely SLAYED in Chicago. The energy to the sold-out crowd was fantastic and Rob was pitch-on fucking perfect!!! It was on par with the greatest concerts I have ever seen in my life. Here I thought "no way they could do it the following night in Detroit" but, again, BALLS OUT fantastic yet again!
Now, I know it isn't just me as I had one of the most judgemental of people at my side: my brother. That is why I named him the "official photographer / videographer" of the show. Hell, he was the first to admit that he had never seen such a thing. A live band who brings down the house with extremely demanding shows two nights in a row. He even had a hard time holding the camera steady as he, too, was caught up in the emotion of Rob and the boys tearing it up again in Detroit.
Final point is what others have said here before: anyone who chose to sit out on this concert had no idea what they were missing. Fucking AWESOME!!!!  
Edited at: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 10:43:48 PM |