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[spapad] Thursday, February 18, 2010 6:55:22 PM 
HA!! That's just the beginning! The Good ole' boy network is in trouble now! LOL  I say more power to her if she gets out on the track and runs with the "big dogs".  Some say racing is not demanding, BUT have they ever sat behind the wheel of a car going that fast and have to have the death grip on it that it requires, or the knowledge of when to hit the right gear, break (more like drift), and how to play the field and draft? Armchair drivers, one and all of us.  She is currently a novelty and may never win a Big Race, but there will be that one "Martina Navatolova" type girl out there with more strength and more gusto than Danika, that will eventually break this field. LOL

Don't worry Freeze, there will always be football and baseball left clear of a lady's grasp. Let's hear for the Girl!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:30:25 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:30:25 PM 
I hear you, man. Well, it's time to mention what is PISSING me off today! Ready??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

DANICA PATRICK!!! For the love of Pete!! I am SO sick of seeing and hearing about Danica Patrick I could freaking PUKE!!!  Now, before the Danica-Lovers among us attack, allow me;

Can she drive? Sure! Is she cute as all get out? Absolutely!  All of that is true and ...GOOD for her! However, she is NOT the next "great" thing in racing nor do I believe she really should even be in NASCAR. She is a commercial dream and that is about it. She is pleasing to look at and has an ability to drive a car fast. She is NOT a "superstar" and really is just "OK" as a driver. As a commercial spokesperson, she is a gold mine. Most significantly, she is a SHE. What is this desperation people have with getting a woman into the "good ol' boys" networks???????

What really gets me is how NASCAR is marketing her now. I saw a commercial for the upcoming Vegas race and it's LEAD was "Danica is coming to Vegas"! WHOOOPDEE FRIGGIN DOO!!!!! So are 40 plus other VERY good DRIVERS!! Now, when she starts competing topless, I might get excited..... 

Edited at: Thursday, February 18, 2010 3:33:49 PM
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, February 18, 2010 2:59:26 PM 
Yeah I never could get into Obituary,Canible Corpse,Napalm Death,the band "Death",Suffocation,Immolation...ect...the only bands I really liked back then were Deicide and Morbid Angel because they were more satanic and thier image was more aesthetics of metal.Today I can't get into death metal like Behemoth...they are too clean for death metal and the songs are just boring to me.The old Morbid Angel like the first album 1989 Alters Of Madness and Deicide's first 3 albums they all had a groove to them in the songs mixed with very extreme headbanging territory but they had riffs and shit you could hear.

With all this bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap bap roooarrooarawwroawwrao bap bap bap bap going on every second of every minute of every song is just a fuckin boaring concept,sure there are a few exceptional albums that are very repetitive but those are elite albums at a time where nothing like that had ever been done before like 1994 Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger as an example but for all these bands to be doing nothing but blah blah blah bap bap bap all the time is not "extreme" anymore as it is anoying,the new bands should let the original bands do thier thing and they should do something different but still in the same genre ect...
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, February 18, 2010 2:16:34 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, February 18, 2010 2:16:34 PM 
HA!!!!!!! Yeah, I liked them. Of course, that was a time when I was listening to a lot of so-called "Death" metal. Obituary, Cannibal Corpse, Deicide. I have NO idea why I did but it was a "phase" I guess.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:58:16 PM)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:58:16 PM 
Thats killer Freeze! Thats the last album I liked from Sepultura,the Chaos A.D. album was "ok" as well as the Roots album they had a few good tunes but the albums were not that great.The album Arise is thier best work in my opinion.They have sucked for years now but as you know they were once pretty good.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Deep Freeze from Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:49:05 PM)
[Deep Freeze] Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:49:05 PM 
Ooo! I actually had "Arise". Saw Sepultura here in Vegas in the early 90's in support of that album. GREAT show!!
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:45:07 PM)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:45:07 PM 
Make no mistake about it,Persecution Mania is elite,excellent and anything but boring and samey,this album alone influenced Sepultura to harken a change in style as is obviously heard in 1989's Beneath The Remains and 1991's Arise...big time these albums were influenced by listening to Sodom's Persecution Mania. All of Sodom's albums are not good,but Persecution Mania and Agent Orange are excellent,Tapping The Vien 1992 is also a great album I've had for years.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by kiamat from Thursday, February 18, 2010 6:54:40 AM)
[kiamat] Thursday, February 18, 2010 6:54:40 AM 
Its a good track though- Actually I don't think I've heard any of Sodom's stuff before. I like the really heavy end of old-school thrash and stuff like this but I don't own much of it because thats so much that's either rubbish or samey- I guess you have to know which bands and albums to listen so you don't get put off. I check out the bands properly (now I have spotify its so much easier) when I get the chance.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:59:01 PM)
[jimmyjames] Wednesday, February 17, 2010 8:19:43 PM 
Sodom, that name cracks me up. "Hi I'm in a band, we're called Sodom"
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:59:01 PM)
[Painkiller87] Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:59:01 PM 

Damn straight. I love how this album starts. Just an awesome album overall!

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:30:48 PM)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:30:48 PM 

Here is Onslaught "Power From Hell" 1985the first album....everything after this album is lame because they changed members in the band and ect...but this debut album I still have on LP that I bought in 1985 when it was brand new and on the back it says "Death Metal At It's Heaviest". I look back on this album now and think wow this was real death metal,and they had spikes,black leather jackets,chains,studs, fuckin metal not just sweat pants jogging sweats with a t-shirt up on stage boring the crowd,back then the underground of death metal and black metal used to support true metal aesthetics unlike today,a few still support it but half of them don't and I think it "SUCKS".

Sodom are thrash but they are a black thrash in my eyes and hell yeah Agent Orange 1989 is fuckin killer and thier best is 1987 debut album "Persecution Mania" in my opinion that album is fuckin awsome also includes a top notch version of Iron Fist from Motorhead! 

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:14:32 PM)
Edited at: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:35:07 PM
[Painkiller87] Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:14:32 PM 

I hear what you're saying. I guess I just have a bit more flexibility than most and usually aren't bothered by it that much unless it becomes obvious/blatant. I have been really trying to look back for some old albums from varying bands to just feel what it was like back in the 80s and early 90s. Quite frankly I am LOVING IT! 

If only they would get my copy of Agent Orange by Sodom ON TIME I wouldn't be in a slightly sour mood myself. Amazon is great, except when it comes to ordering imports cause that's when the delays happen more often than not for me. That's what is really ticking me off really right now, back to the subject of the thread.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:32:48 PM)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Wednesday, February 17, 2010 1:32:48 PM 
Well,I was there in the beginning of death metal and to be honest I don't consider "In Flames" a true real death metal band.I think Suffocation is death metal but this is why I don't like "death metal" because it used to be more like "black metal" in the early days.Nowadays death metal is plain short sleeve shirts with eh just wear just about anything and get up there and growl? Its just not the same as it once was.It used to be hidden and about not doing fucking videos! I only own a handful of death metal albums and the rest are black metal,heavy metal,thrash metal but only the old-school "elite" black metal albums and cds,not the new trendy shit. 

Black metal is not what it used to be either as I was there in the beginning of black metal as well,Venom,Mercyful Fate,Bathory,Hellhammer,Celtic Frost,Sarcafago,Mayhem,Mortuary Drape...all in the 1980's and then with Mayhem's norwegian scene with Darkthrone,Immortal,Emperor,Gorgoroth,Carpathian Forest,Mutiilation,Abigor,Judas Iscariot...bands like this were true black metal until the scene was ruined with kids who were obsessed with wearing corpse paint like it was halloween or some shit like that.

The internet is what really killed black metal because it was a portal for unworthy kids to try and fit in with this genre of something they were never a part of,I watched it all and watched it all crumble down to mainstream crap of today and it makes me sick. Bands like "Behemoth" used to be elite black metal as I still have  Sventivith Storming Near The Baltic  from 1995 and claim it as Behemoth's best album yet every time I mention this killer record to somebody who likes Behemoth they never even knew it existed? Its a joke to say the least and I've grown tired of it.Fuck off to "death metal" and the trendy commercial black metal scene as well.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Painkiller87 from Wednesday, February 17, 2010 9:16:04 AM)
[Painkiller87] Wednesday, February 17, 2010 9:16:04 AM 
I understand quite well about these things. Honestly I like a lot of the old school and newer death metal bands but the latter only a select few. I like Death, early In Flames, Suffocation and some bands like that. But I really love Amon Amarth because they are really well done music wise and though they have some commercial ties but at least they are awesome IMO. I mean I can go in detail about my likes and dislikes of death metal but I have to get back to work. Maybe at lunch time in a couple of hours.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by J.D. DIAMOND from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:19:01 PM)
[J.D. DIAMOND] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:19:01 PM 

Here is the "shit video" of the new Behemoth.This is whats pissing me off lately,is fucking "Death Metal"...what the fuck happened to this once elite genre? Fucking A man,this video looks like something fucking Whitesnake would of done with the clean cut bitch in the video ect.... this shit is too clean and commercial for "death metal". 

Behemoth also recently played at "Ozz Fest" on the second stage opening up for the shit tunnel hat crap trend band "Hatebreed" fuckin lame ass shit man.I remember when Morbid Angel released Altars Of Madness in 1989,I remember when Deicide released thier debut album in 1990,and the 1980's death metal like Protector,Onslaught's first album "Power Fron Hell"(1985)Hobbs Angel Of Death band,there was no shitty commercailism back then until Morbid Angel did Bleesed Are The Sick in 1991 and from then on it has sucked.

Death Metal shouldn't have fucking "videos" like this,it a fuckin joke.Today when somebody asks me if I like death metal I say "FUCK NO". And all this shit music ....either its too fucking slow,or its out of control garble,at least with true elite black metal there are melodies within the chaos ect...totally more understandable with black metal but this trendy commercial death metal is a joke,I hate all of it.

Edited at: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 2:19:29 PM
[Head banger] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:57:44 PM 
well, yeah, not the best party CD.  yes it should be outlawed, fucking iritating at best.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:02:45 PM)
[jimmyjames] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:02:45 PM 

I never would, not that it's much of a party cd in the first place. Maybe if your having a really depressing party..... Anyway the practice should be outlawed.

  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Head banger from Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:11:38 AM)
[K2M] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:40:57 AM 
Robs lyrics are  awesome. The  words of thePriest tell the reality.  Rob was born to Deliver the Goods. Priest Almighty.    [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by HOT ROCKIN' METAL GODDESS from Monday, February 15, 2010 2:44:39 PM) Edited at: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:41:29 AM Edited at: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:46:01 AM
Edited at: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:57:43 AM
[Head banger] Tuesday, February 16, 2010 6:11:38 AM 
Godsmacks Voodoo is another one.  10 minutes of silence, folowed by some druming.  WTF?  these things are especialy annoying if you set your multidisc player to random.  never gonna have that Manson disk in at a party are you?
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by jimmyjames from Monday, February 15, 2010 11:59:12 PM)
[jimmyjames] Monday, February 15, 2010 11:59:12 PM 
Here's something that fucks me right off. Hidden bonus tracks on cds. What the fuck is the point? If the songs good just put it on the album, if it's not why the fuck is it on there. It's even worse when you have to listen to 10 minutes of slience just to hear the band fucking around in the studio like some kind of lame in joke. Classic examples include Mastodons Blood Mountain album which has a long period of silence followed by Josh Homme from QOTSA talking shit and Marilyn Mansons Antichrist Superstar which has 99 tracks, 16 of which are songs, then there are 82 tracks which consist of 4 seconds of silence each and then a minute and a half of static and stupid voices at the end. This practice is retarded and perpetrators should be burned alive. Bastards.
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