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[Deep Freeze] Sunday, June 15, 2008 11:01:58 AM 
At the risk of GREAT personal annoyance, I will respond to you again.

Liberal?!?!? ME???? My good, YOUNG, man!...I am so conservative I make YOU look like a "New Dealer"! HA!!!!!!!!!!!  Global Warming???HAHAHAHAA!! Oh my! I should probably thank you for the laugh. I did need one! I have an upset stomach from the spotted owl I had for breakfast.  Incredible! You are a mere 40 years old, yet you have managed to become so tremendously arrogant in that short period!?!?! Ah well, there is certainly no accounting for upbringing.

I fear we have let this spiral out of control. I stand by my opinion of you and your actions. If you choose to further debate, you can do so with yourself, or perhaps Darth would like a go at you.. You are condemned by your own words, not mine. I cannot imagine ANY scenario in which a person could go to a particular band's OFFICIAL website and declare, in their own words, that they "hate" them, and then not expect retribution. Worse yet, the faked indignance is really beneath a man of your alleged " years", is it not? You are "man" enough to say it, you should be "man" enough to admit it. But again, upbringing.

Finally, I expect that you will respond to me. It is the nature of the guilty to profess their innocence. As you no doubt have heard before, jails are full of innocent people. In any event, you are free to continue to do and say whatever you wish. I am sure you and your one friend will enjoy your time here with us. You must be incredibly proud.
  [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by Rob Ward from Friday, June 13, 2008 6:45:12 PM)
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