[stacyjay] Friday, December 19, 2008 12:18:46 AM | |
hi rob,
its me jay farrell i just wanted to give you my cell # and ask you if you could give me a call sometime if you have time in the near future the # is 760-898-8167 thank you
your friend always jay farrell |
[SadWingsRaging] Thursday, December 18, 2008 8:30:46 PM | |
Those same speakers are the ones in the background when ya watch "That 70's show". I hauled the Marantz 2270 to both of the local high end electronics/audio shops around here, dropped it on their counter, & said "I want two speakers for this that you can guarante this thing wont blow". They all smiled, shook their heads, & started making offers for the reciever/amp. I was a little surprised what they were willing to give for it. [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by guidogodoy from Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:15:37 PM) |  | guidogodoy wrote: | | HAAAA!! I think I had those same speakers! I'll have to dig around for some old photos.
I'll say one thing, they made those suckers like TANKS! Surprised I still have a spine having moved them so many times in my life. Too bad I sold them when I finally moved states. I would have donated them to you. Of course, the shipping would have been into the thousands.... |  | SadWingsRaging wrote: | | Bio of a priest fan.Hail! It all started one day in the early 80's. A friend of mine called me up and told me to get my but down to his house ASAP. As I walked up to his house I noticed the unusual amount of cars ligned up on both sides of the street with this pure sonic mana blasting out from the typical house in a typical American neighborhood. I walked into the door & lo N behold I was met at the door by an older friend of ours dressed in leather & spikes, the full regalia from the leather pants to the spiked grieves. There was probably 25 to 30 teens anywhere from 13 to 19 in the house with a marantz 2270 combined with a turntable sitting on top of a pile of blankets to keep the record from skipping as the 500 Watts were being pushed out through these JBL speakers that weighed about 50Lbs each. The album was Point of Entry on the day it was released in our city & my life has never been the same since then.After a few hours I was going back to my house to get a few more LP's & I opened the door right as the local constabulary was about to knock on the door. I turned around & went & told the oldest member who resided in the house he had someone waiting at the door for him. Fortunatly he had the scents, OOps, sence to say "No, you can not come in the house." All this happened before the small city we lived in dreamed up the 'sonic nusiance' laws and were not so draconian about things that really dont mean that much so there was really nothing they could do. We partied for 2 days before things finaly wound down with our own security force outside. You were allowed to come in but if you left you could not come back. I think it would have lasted longer but we ran out of munchies before my friends father came back from his out of town job. Ever since then I have not-so-patiently waited for the next priest album to come out. They have been Delivering the Goods! I watched them during that trial & saw the charges as bogus beyond belief & knew they would be exonerated. Like most people I was shocked when Halfords proclivities came to light but who am I, or anyone else, to tell someone else how to conduct their life in these matters? I was more shocked when they broke up & felt betrayed by Priest. I had a feeling they would reform some day & HAIL! they have. Keep it up guys! Your music will live forever! Not a bad legacy I believe.P.S. I still own that Marantz I bought from my friend & since I cant drop the price of a good used car on a pair of speakers it sits in my attic waiting for the day I decide to feed it another cheap pair of speakers. Mississippi Metal Maniac Edited at: Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:23:20 AM |
[mcrobo creations] Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:51:39 PM | |
sorry was just tryin buttons as tryin ti find place to submit preist poster i painted [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by mcrobo creations from Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:34:13 PM) |  | mcrobo creations wrote: | | were do i submit fan artwork i made a poster w/ hidden preist album covers in it can be viewed athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FH1OODXLks |
[mcrobo creations] Thursday, December 18, 2008 7:34:13 PM | |
were do i submit fan artwork i made a poster w/ hidden preist album covers in it can be viewed athttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1FH1OODXLks |
[guidogodoy] Thursday, December 18, 2008 12:15:37 PM | |
HAAAA!! I think I had those same speakers! I'll have to dig around for some old photos.
I'll say one thing, they made those suckers like TANKS! Surprised I still have a spine having moved them so many times in my life. Too bad I sold them when I finally moved states. I would have donated them to you. Of course, the shipping would have been into the thousands.... [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by SadWingsRaging from Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:12:31 AM) |  | SadWingsRaging wrote: | | Bio of a priest fan.Hail! It all started one day in the early 80's. A friend of mine called me up and told me to get my but down to his house ASAP. As I walked up to his house I noticed the unusual amount of cars ligned up on both sides of the street with this pure sonic mana blasting out from the typical house in a typical American neighborhood. I walked into the door & lo N behold I was met at the door by an older friend of ours dressed in leather & spikes, the full regalia from the leather pants to the spiked grieves. There was probably 25 to 30 teens anywhere from 13 to 19 in the house with a marantz 2270 combined with a turntable sitting on top of a pile of blankets to keep the record from skipping as the 500 Watts were being pushed out through these JBL speakers that weighed about 50Lbs each. The album was Point of Entry on the day it was released in our city & my life has never been the same since then.After a few hours I was going back to my house to get a few more LP's & I opened the door right as the local constabulary was about to knock on the door. I turned around & went & told the oldest member who resided in the house he had someone waiting at the door for him. Fortunatly he had the scents, OOps, sence to say "No, you can not come in the house." All this happened before the small city we lived in dreamed up the 'sonic nusiance' laws and were not so draconian about things that really dont mean that much so there was really nothing they could do. We partied for 2 days before things finaly wound down with our own security force outside. You were allowed to come in but if you left you could not come back. I think it would have lasted longer but we ran out of munchies before my friends father came back from his out of town job. Ever since then I have not-so-patiently waited for the next priest album to come out. They have been Delivering the Goods! I watched them during that trial & saw the charges as bogus beyond belief & knew they would be exonerated. Like most people I was shocked when Halfords proclivities came to light but who am I, or anyone else, to tell someone else how to conduct their life in these matters? I was more shocked when they broke up & felt betrayed by Priest. I had a feeling they would reform some day & HAIL! they have. Keep it up guys! Your music will live forever! Not a bad legacy I believe.P.S. I still own that Marantz I bought from my friend & since I cant drop the price of a good used car on a pair of speakers it sits in my attic waiting for the day I decide to feed it another cheap pair of speakers. Mississippi Metal Maniac Edited at: Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:23:20 AM |
[SadWingsRaging] Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:12:31 AM | |
Bio of a priest fan.Hail! It all started one day in the early 80's. A friend of mine called me up and told me to get my but down to his house ASAP. As I walked up to his house I noticed the unusual amount of cars ligned up on both sides of the street with this pure sonic mana blasting out from the typical house in a typical American neighborhood. I walked into the door & lo N behold I was met at the door by an older friend of ours dressed in leather & spikes, the full regalia from the leather pants to the spiked grieves. There was probably 25 to 30 teens anywhere from 13 to 19 in the house with a marantz 2270 combined with a turntable sitting on top of a pile of blankets to keep the record from skipping as the 500 Watts were being pushed out through these JBL speakers that weighed about 50Lbs each. The album was Point of Entry on the day it was released in our city & my life has never been the same since then.After a few hours I was going back to my house to get a few more LP's & I opened the door right as the local constabulary was about to knock on the door. I turned around & went & told the oldest member who resided in the house he had someone waiting at the door for him. Fortunatly he had the scents, OOps, sence to say "No, you can not come in the house." All this happened before the small city we lived in dreamed up the 'sonic nusiance' laws and were not so draconian about things that really dont mean that much so there was really nothing they could do. We partied for 2 days before things finaly wound down with our own security force outside. You were allowed to come in but if you left you could not come back. I think it would have lasted longer but we ran out of munchies before my friends father came back from his out of town job. Ever since then I have not-so-patiently waited for the next priest album to come out. They have been Delivering the Goods! I watched them during that trial & saw the charges as bogus beyond belief & knew they would be exonerated. Like most people I was shocked when Halfords proclivities came to light but who am I, or anyone else, to tell someone else how to conduct their life in these matters? I was more shocked when they broke up & felt betrayed by Priest. I had a feeling they would reform some day & HAIL! they have. Keep it up guys! Your music will live forever! Not a bad legacy I believe.P.S. I still own that Marantz I bought from my friend & since I cant drop the price of a good used car on a pair of speakers it sits in my attic waiting for the day I decide to feed it another cheap pair of speakers. Mississippi Metal Maniac Edited at: Thursday, December 18, 2008 11:23:20 AM |
[Deep Freeze] Tuesday, December 16, 2008 8:26:26 AM | |
Welcome [Show/Hide Quoted Message] (Quoting Message by cocobongo from Tuesday, December 16, 2008 8:22:28 AM) |  | cocobongo wrote: | | Hi all Priest fans.. I've been following the boys since the 80's and they are simply the best! No-one can compete with Rob's voice!! I wasn't sure about Nostradamus at first ( thought it was a bit Trans Siberian Orchestra) but now it blows me away! My fave track is The Future of Mankind which has reduced me to..dare I say it...tears! Rock On !! |
[cocobongo] Tuesday, December 16, 2008 8:22:28 AM | |
Hi all Priest fans.. I've been following the boys since the 80's and they are simply the best! No-one can compete with Rob's voice!! I wasn't sure about Nostradamus at first ( thought it was a bit Trans Siberian Orchestra) but now it blows me away! My fave track is The Future of Mankind which has reduced me to..dare I say it...tears! Rock On !! |
[Overheadcam] Friday, December 12, 2008 7:50:05 AM | |
New member here. I saw Priest back in October 1982 in Toronto at Maple Leaf Gardens. Horrible seats. They looked like ants way down there on the stage. We were in the rafters. Anyway, I was hoping to see if anybody knew of some good tabs to "take these chains". I only see one cirulating the internet but I think it has a few errors in it. (It's a bit "naf" as they say in England). It has a name on it of "elvidge" and steve or stephen. If you have that one, please don't tell me about it as I already have it. I think I've got most of it figured out. May not be right way but chords sound ok. Tripping over my fingers trying to get the lead parts. (Thats why some good tabs *might* help). I'm using TuxGuitar which is a free program to play guitarpro tabs (gp3,gp4,gp5). Awesome! May be of help to other folks like me that don't want to lay down our hard-earned money.
Anyway, that's my ramble. Thanks to Mr. Tipton, Downing, Halford and the rest. Really enjoyed your tunes over the years. Trying to learn some of your stuff now at 45 years old. Wife bought me a wicked guitar and having a ball. Peace to all the fellow Priest fans!
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[chileansteel] Monday, December 08, 2008 1:26:44 PM | |
Thanks for adding the photos from the South American Tour 2005. The night of September 13 th was incredible, the first time I saw Judas live. I was so happy to see the photos, they brought back such good memories.
Thanks again, you are great.
Regards from Chile |
[chileansteel] Saturday, December 06, 2008 4:46:37 PM | |
I agree with mdejesus from Argentina. I find it`s unfair that there are no pictures or videos from the Sudamerica shows in this site. The same happens with the " Meet and Greet", we don`t have those kinds of privileges over here why?. In some way, I feel we are not completely considered. We, as any other Judas Priest fans, buy the albums of the band, the T-shirts, the merchandise in general and we pay to see and enjoy Judas Priest in concerts. We also love Judas Priest in Sudamerica. We love them so much !!! . I don`t know who is in charge of the management of these matters but I`d like they could read my message. Don`t get me wrong, this is not a complaint but a suggestion so that the Judas Priest fans all over the world are happy.
Kind Regards,
From Chile Edited at: Saturday, December 06, 2008 4:50:35 PM |
[mandy666] Friday, December 05, 2008 10:05:35 PM | |
[SkyRideR] Friday, December 05, 2008 2:07:09 PM | |
welcome one and all...judas priest is eternal...   |
[bfuselier2] Thursday, December 04, 2008 7:10:11 PM | |
Judas Priest
What's up? Been a big fan for a long time,Never seen you guys in concert
would it be too much to ask for you to come to New Orleans,Louisiana
signed,Fan For Life
Billy Fuselier |
[slimdon] Thursday, December 04, 2008 3:24:47 PM | |
Hello Defenders of the Faith!
It's the Reverend from the Rock n' Roll Breakfast Show in Western Canada. Yesterday I had the pleasure of speaking with the Metal God; Rob Halford. We talked about all things metal, as well as sobriety, love, and karaoke!
Our conversation will air tomorrow (Friday, December 5th) between 1-3PM PST. You can tune in online at: www.rocknrollbreakfast.com
If you miss the original broadcast, the interview will be posted shortly afterwards for all to enjoy as well. Until then, keep thy faith in Metal my brothers and sisters!
Rev. Donnie Black
www.rocknrollbreakfast.com |
[mdejesus] Thursday, December 04, 2008 5:50:36 AM | |
Hi, I've just login for first time, i'm a fan of Judas Priest and every time the band visted Argentina I was there.
But, to be honest, I'm a little disappointed, because in this site there're no pictures or videos from the shows in Buenos Aires. In fact, I couldn´t find any material from any show in sudamerica from de 2008 World tour.
On the other hand, european shows have lots of these material the fan can enjoy.
In my opinion this situation is not fair because we'd like to be part of the oficial site too.
In short, I hope you change you mind about this. It's highly recommended if you want to keep your fans alll around (and that includes South America).
Thank you
God bless you guys,
Matías |
[chileansteel] Tuesday, December 02, 2008 2:38:49 PM | |
Some parents don`t allow their children to listen to Heavy Metal because they say it`s evil music. I`ve been a Judas Priest fan for a long long time and I think they are the best that has happened to me. I`ve developed a good taste for music because Judas Priest makes the finest music ever. I`ve also have improved my English which is not my mother tongue. So I say thank you Judas Priest !!! Thank you creators of Heavy Metal !!!
Kind Regards from Chile. |
[chileansteel] Monday, December 01, 2008 6:03:53 PM | |
It`s a pleasure to be able to post messages here. I feel nearer my favourite band. I miss them so much, I just want to see them again. Thank you Judas Priest ! ! My love for you is such that words cannot express it. I`m with you forever from far away... Edited at: Monday, December 01, 2008 6:08:51 PM |
[chileansteel] Sunday, November 30, 2008 3:09:18 PM | |
I have a dream that one day I meet my favourite band in the whole world. I wonder why we cannot access to " Meet and Greet " here in Chile. Who can I pose this question ?. It would be fantastic. I don`t care how much money it costs, Judas Priest is worth everything !!!
I think that the Judas Priest production is doing a great job in choosing the venues for the concerts, giving us the possibility to see a show of high quality. I really enjoyed the concert at Movistar Arena in Santiago. I hope next time they perform there again. It `s sad that some bands just want to sell tickets and they don`t care about the comfort of the fans. I really appreciate that. Judas Priest cares for their fans.
Best Wishes from Chile
Oh God I love Judas Priest !!! |
[chileansteel] Thursday, November 27, 2008 3:51:47 PM | |
I attended the concert on November 6th. It was sensational. Judas Priest are the true gods of metal, they are real, excellent musicians. I love the new album, when I first listened to it I could not believe it, I cried with joy. I cannot wait to see them again touring Nostradamus.
Regards from Chile
Chile loves Judas Priest |